
November 8, 2008

Fashion Police

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — Alwyn @ 12:30 am

Word’s out on the net that ‘Mrs. O’ made a fashion mistake with her ‘black widow’ looking dress. Other people think she looks hot. Which is it? Who cares? I wished I looked that good for people to complain about my outfit like that.

What I liked about it was the way she combined her colors with her husband and her children’s outfits. They were color coordinated with Barack and one daughter in black, the other daughter in red, and looking great. I wasn’t seeing ‘black widow spider’. I was seeing Mamma Obama in the middle. The woman that holds the family together, and in great style, too, I might add, in spite of the fashion police. I guess if we pick our presidents (or their wives) according to fashion, we deserve what we get. (Wasn’t Bush ‘fashionable’ for a while?) At the very least, if that’s the case, I’m going to have to study up…. I wonder what’s the latest colors in mud boots?

country girl reportin’ from the muddy country tonight, where we sit about around the wood fire and say to each other still, pickin’ and grinnin’…. wasn’t that election grand?

1 Comment

  1. It did coordinate well. Couldn’t be easy to pick clothes when you’re celebrating winning the election at the same time you want to be a little subdued in mourning (grandmother).
    But it was a butt-ugly design on the dress. Especially with a belt cutting the giant red smear in two.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — November 8, 2008 @ 2:41 am

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