
November 10, 2008

With new generation of voters, time to change the dialogue

Filed under: Uncategorized — Patrick Murphy @ 5:32 pm

Ronald Reagan started his trickle down revolution with a radio program years before his election. Rush Limbaugh and other talk show hosts took the baton in the eighties and successfully convinced millions of middle to upper class Americans that redistribution and consolidation of wealth to an elite minority was not just a patriotic obligation to protect and defend the Constitution but the highest moral gesture a Christian could offer his fellow poverty stricken Americans unfairly hobbled by “New Deal” and “Great Society” economic policies.  Their talking points have not changed in the last 30 years as evidenced by their last minute salvos such as “Redistributionists, socialists, marxists, communists, protectionist and now terrorists”. But in order to prevent the swing back to this oligarchy, we as progressives must change ours. Thanks to the economic disaster brought on by deregulation, I believe more middle and upper middle class Americans are open to progressive domestic and foreign policies. They only need to be convinced that not only is it Constitutional but it’s also OK with God. Deriding their religion or the size of their member should be replaced with rebutals showing their talking points for what they are.  Charges of capital redistribution should be turned back at the accusers who redistribute from the treasury to the wealthy every business day.  This country’s most basic unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was fought over and should be the pre-eminent civil right that cannot be trampled on by even a voting majority. The battle cry to shrink Government should be revealed for what it really is. The unconstitutional effort to deny the majority of American citizens representation. The insistence that wealthy Americans should be allowed to keep “their” money should be answered by reminding them that their money is minted by the Federal Govt. which functions only by the consent of the Governed. Therefor it belongs to all American citizens and should find it’s way to the pockets of the wealthy only if they provide life sustaining services to American citizens. Even now hundreds of billions of dollars belonging to the future of American citizens are being redistributed to the wealthy who not only are not providing anything of value, their intended purpose to provide credit to American citizens will be denied because of the proliferation of bad credit from individuals to municipalities produced by the current economic meltdown. The recipients of these ill gotten gains should be prosecuted and sentenced not to prison where they have their expenses paid but to a lifetime of minimum wage. Lets see them pull themselves up by their bootstraps then.  

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