Welcome to the new music postings for Bartcop. I had hoped to start with something really cool like a soundtrack for the recent election of Barak Obama but I encountered one problem. I am less interested in my own selections and more interested in what the rest of Bart’s readers had in mind when then watched history happen last week.
So here is the challenge. Let’s kick off the new music stuff with your soundtrack for the Obama victory last Tuesday night. For those who maybe favored the other candidates that’s cool too. You share what a soundtrack to a lost election sounds like. Try to keep your soundtrack to 10 songs or so and you can leave them as comments or send them to n-music-critic@live.com.( Sorry just fixed the email address.) I will take em’ and post them.
I am also interested in know about your own music scenes where you live so if you tip me off I will give it some play. Music is for everyone.
Thanks for joining me in bringing everyone’s music to everyone else.
Howdy N,
Looking forward to some Bart music. Will there be a Juke-Bart?
I also play “yer friendly neighborhood folksinger” as Tom Loud. (www.myspace.com/tomloud)
Politics includes Legalization
Texas Musicians For Medical Marijuana
Your fellow Bart-Blogger,
Obi Zen
Comment by Obi Zen Folksinger — November 11, 2008 @ 10:10 pm