
November 12, 2008

Andy Warhol’s Promise

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bob Patterson @ 7:33 pm

(Sydney NSW) November 13, 2008  Walking past the Macleay Bookshop in Sydney we noticed that a story in the New York Times had mentioned them so when we subsequently saw that they were having a party, we decided that it was time to cover the event for the Bartcop Blog.


Talking to the folks in the bookstore that has been there since the Fifties, it seemed that:  “The World Is My Neighbourhood” would be a good title for a column about the event because folks in the store knew all about Los Angeles and the surrounding area.


One fellow said that his son has just opened a bookstore in L. A. and wanted me to plug the family bookstore


Another guy had favoured the Pico area in L. A.


Is everything in L. A. world famous?  Does a blogger from L. A. have a chance to become world famous?


When we got back to the hostel where we were staying we asked the folks from France and Germany if they had heard of Howard’s World Famous Avocado Burges on Venice Blvd., in L. A.  They hadn’t and asked if I had tried the world famous hotdogs sold by Harry’s on Wheels in Sydney.  Since I hadn’t a trip there was put next on the agenda.


Americans in Sydney eventually find their way to Tomatillo on Darlinghurst Road because (for folks from L. A., at least) there comes a time when you need a fix of burrito and the Tomatillo fills that need perfectly.


All this got us to thinking about the subject of fame.  Are all things American famous?  Why haven’t American music fans heard of the band Short Stack?  How easy is it to become a world famous blogger?  We had tried to show some of our new friends our columns and the World’s Laziest Journalist blog.  The columns on Bartcop were easy to find, but even I couldn’t easily find my own blog.


After giving a well known Gertrude Stein quote, I had to explain to the younger hostel guests that she was a famous American.


Some sports figures in Austalia are national heroes, but since most Americans don’t follow Australian rugby, their names would not be familiar to people in the states.


Andy Warhol said that someday everyone would be world famous for 15 minutes.  I’m getting along in years and so it’s time for him to make good on his promise for me (and my blog!)


Now, that bloggers have alerted the world and the other media, that President Bush wasn’t the ideal example of a statesman and leader that was offered in the Election ads, will the media biggies (like angry vultures) come along and claim all the credit for exposing Bush as a war criminal and greedy capitalist?


If a photographer works hard and gets great images, the ones that people admire most are the ones with celebrities in them.  Does that mean that “celebrity” is a commodity?  Is it tangible?  Can it be shared like in the parable of the fishes and loaves?  


Bush is on the way out.  It’s too early to criticize President Obama.  Andy Warhol seems to be welching on his promise.


Would anyone like to see pictures taken from the “Pylon” on the Sydney Harbor Bridge?  People pay $200 Australian to climb to the top of the Bridge, but you can’t take your camera with you.  There is no such restriction on the people who go to the Pylon observation deck.


Who wants to read a column about the cuts states and cities in the U. S. will have to make in their annual budgets (and the looming necessary cuts in services)?


We’ll do some “fact checking” on the incredible shrinking budgets that politicians will be forced to face in the next fiscal year and, in the meantime, try to post a touristy picture from Sydney.


Andy Warhol said “In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.”


Now, the disk jockey will play David Bowie’s “Fame,” and we’ll head for the nearest red carpet.  (The premier of “Australia” will be held next Tuesday in Sydney.)  Have a week that makes you famous but not infamous.

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