
December 11, 2008

Recruitment Poster

Filed under: Commentary,Toon — Peregrin @ 3:07 am

Commentary below

Has anyone been watching “Leverage”? 

It’s sort of a combination of “The A-Team” and “It Takes A Thief”.   Some crook put together this team of other crooks to do some dirty work for him, and when they find out about it they turn the tables on him, getting fantastically rich in the process, then just sort of stick together to do more of the same.

The second episode, they go after a private security firm working in Iraq.  Of course they never call it Blackwater, but we all know that’s who it’s supposed to be.

I’m encouraged by this development.  We Americans have always loved Robin Hood, Zorro, and Jesse James – the robbers who go after the big corporate crooks.  This show could start some good old-fashioned righteous anger against some very deserving targets.  Go TNT! - Tuesdays, 9pm Central

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