
January 6, 2009

Why America Is Still Awesome

Filed under: Commentary — Peregrin @ 1:31 am

By John Devore

First things first: Don’t freak out about the title. I know things look bleak. You’re stocking up on shotgun shells and Dinty Moore Beef Stew, dreading the day you inevitably have to pitchfork-fight a hobo over the last piece of firewood in the Hooverville. Hell, you might even be thinking that Kanye West was wrong for once: maybe “The Good Life” isn’t all that. Maybe the mass pursuit of diamond-spackled grills, champagne Jacuzzis and McMansions the size of Vatican City was not actually the happiness we totally had the right to pursue.

This past year, we learned that karma is a bitch. That Wall Street is run by Hamburglars. The government is basically too many pigs at too small a trough. That we’re broke, at war(s) and, instead of dealing with it, we’ve chosen to watch celebrities dance, dance, dance for the bloodthirsty hordes. We torture to make ourselves feel safer, cheat each other to make ourselves richer and have generally behaved like raging assholes.

I get all that, and still I say with total and utter conviction: America is awesome. And we’re awesome because we are batshit, out of our minds crazy. The French are intellectuals, the Russians are brooders and the Chinese are hard workers. Americans are crazy. Our optimism, ambition, and self-interest verges on the manic.

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1 Comment

  1. What an excellent article! Thank you. Grimmy

    Comment by grimgold — January 6, 2009 @ 1:00 pm

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