
January 18, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 8:00 pm
Hi Bartcop,
I posted another of Don Robertson’s typically cynical, sarcastic, and satirical essays.
In this piece, he posits the notion that Bush represents the solution to the horrendous Iraqi disaster of his own making. To address Bush’s assertion that the “terrorists” will “follow us here and get us” if we bring the troops home, Don proposes an absurdly amusing plan for withdrawal of our invasion forces, which includes extending an invitation to those we have grieviously harmed in the Middle East to come to the US and exact their revenge on Bush and his fellow war criminals.
His last piece that satirically attacked “wage slaves” and “citizen journalists” from my generation (i.e. ME) stirred up quite a firestorm of acerbic, spirited, and hateful commentary! It would seem that a fair number of people take themselves quite seriously and failed to find the humor in Don’s sarcasm….
I thought you might want to link:

1 Comment

  1. I got a solution. We just give Iraq to Dubya and Cheney. He can have it, hell he can sleep in Saddam’s old bed. Give him the Iraqi army, the green zone, the WMD’s that are there-the whole damn country. It’s his. We get our army back, Iraqis get a decider, and he can go play president over there. We all win.

    Comment by SkylerDepp — January 19, 2007 @ 2:56 pm

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