
January 24, 2009

Wish Granted for Jim Morrison and Dutch

Filed under: Commentary — Tags: , , — Bob Patterson @ 4:31 pm

President Reagan had, while he was in office, (according to two reliable sources) expressed a wish that the United States would have a new Great Depression.

(Note for conservative troll/moles:  I invoke the Limbaugh rule of discourse; only insecure nancy-boys will challenge that pronouncement and they are not worth a rebuttal effort.  So take it or leave it go.)

If Reagan’s wish had been immediately granted, the whole country would have been upset with him and his party so good strategists would move slowly to achieve that goal and if they were especially devious and conniving, they would arrainge for a Republican administration to make it inevitable, but fix it so that a Democratic successor would take the fall for the event when it happened.

For rich people the advantages of a new Depression would be many:  undoing the unions, making many government provided social services unaffordable, returning to the old way of running a society: the rich vs. the poor, and making it an enviable thing to be so wealthy that cares about day to day expenses were irrelevant to good living.

Jim Morrison (lead singer of the rock group “the Doors”) once said he wanted to get his kicks before “the whole S*******e (outhouse) goes up in flames.”  Naturally the conservatives denounced this as being unpatriotic claptrap and therefore reprehensible.  It was the irresposible ravings of a lunatic and quite fully condemmed.  How clever is it to denounce what a rebel says if that is exactly what you want? 

So George W. Bush and his cronies have gutted the banking industry (can you say Broward Savings and Loan, boys and girls?), invaded Iraq (what was said at Nuremburg about “any invasion”?) is handing out “bail out” funds to various companies (who nationalized the German auto industry in the thirties?), and is destroying your 401K nest egg?

Then, just as folks realize “we’ve been had!,” the opposing party wins big and takes the reigns of control just in time to preside over a new Depresssion.

Does it look, to anyone else, like President Obama is being set-up as the fall guy?

Herbert Hoover once said:  “Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.”  To which one conservative friend would reply:  ” . . . and so, what’s your point?”

Now, the disk jockey will play a song just for George W. Bush, Woody Guthrie’s (ever notice how much he looks like Sean Penn?) song:  “So long, it’s been good to know you.”  We’ll wave good-bye to the departing president (using just one finger) and we’ll do the dustbowl thing and head for California.  Have a “rich fat cats never notice a depression” type week.

1 Comment

  1. I imagine Jim is giving Mo-ron the Dutch Oven.

    Comment by Rainlander — January 25, 2009 @ 4:02 pm

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