
February 8, 2009

Talk about pressure

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 6:37 am

Damacles never had it this rough.


  1. Reagan did it, Bill did it, GW did it, and now O is doing it – cutting taxes and at the same time increasing spending. Only problem is that now we are 12 trillion in debt.

    We can’t keep going deeper in debt this way.

    GW’s 40% increase in the size of the fed govt is part of our present problem.

    I say the fed govt is the most wasteful, dishonest, corrupt, opaque way to spend our money. Anyone care to argue with me about that? RS? Anyone?
    (The sound of crickets filled the room.)

    Comment by grimgold — February 8, 2009 @ 1:34 pm

  2. Extremely limited governments govern underdeveloped shitholes.

    Grim, you really need to let go of your seething hatred of public servants. It’s not healthy. Saying that all gov’t is bad is a pretty broad generalization. That’s like me saying that all CEOs are amoral scumbags or that all conservatives are just anarcho-capitalist cheerleaders. I do say that sometimes.

    What exactly are we talking about when you mention Bush’s 40% gov’t increase that nobody around here wanted? DHS, NCLB, and the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives?

    What about the big steamy elephant pile in the middle of the room, the Iraq war? It wasn’t such a wise investment to light a trillion dollar million human bonfire in the middle of the desert.

    Comment by Danger Bear — February 8, 2009 @ 3:32 pm

  3. I hear crickets singing Disney songs.

    Comment by Danger Bear — February 8, 2009 @ 5:29 pm

  4. There’s the problem- conservatives hear imaginary crickets whispering,
    “never question authority”,
    “we only hit you because we love you”
    “those paint chips were mighty tasty”.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — February 9, 2009 @ 12:30 am

  5. You guys are funny.
    Bear, I can’t argue with you, the 15 Billion per month spent in Iraq is part of why we are having troubles making ends meet. Now, however, O is going to double troops in Afganistan (sigh!).
    I don’t hate all govt servents…but I should, I suppose.
    We should have the amount of govt we need not the amount bureaucrats want.
    Do you really like paying about half your earnings in various taxes?
    Bitter, here’s some advice to you – Never question authority!
    Grin gold

    Comment by grimgold — February 9, 2009 @ 2:33 am

  6. Four days after the inauguration President Obama ordered his first bombing of an Afghan villiage and I had to learn about it from a British newspaper.

    Comment by Danger Bear — February 9, 2009 @ 3:29 pm

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