
April 24, 2009

Another of Col. Rove’s Crimes Against America


H/T to Media Matters for the quote.

Also read this at Media Matters:

“Whether or not the federal government should shift education funding to vouchers is a policy disagreement. Nobody is talking about investigating policy disagreements. Torture is a crime. Illegal activity doesn’t become legal simply because the president wants it to happen.”
– Jamison Foser, “Gaps in the Right-Wing’s ‘Banana Republic’ Rhetoric,” Media Matters, April 24, 2009.

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  1. [...] FedUpNetwork placed an interesting blog post on Another of Col. Roveâ [...]

    Pingback by Topics about America » Archive » Another of Col. Rove’s Crimes Against America — April 24, 2009 @ 6:38 pm

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