
August 20, 2007

Sen Rubberstamp barks empty threats

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 5:01 pm


A weak and stupid Democrat on Monday threatened to hold members of the Bush administration in contempt for not producing subpoenaed information about the legal justification for Bush’s secretive eavesdropping program.

“When the Senate comes back in the session, I’ll bring it up before the committee,” said Sen. Patrick Leahy, (D-Sacless) chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I prefer cooperation to contempt. Right now, there’s no question that they are in contempt of the valid order of the Congress.”

Leahy subpoenaed the Justice Department, National Security Council and the offices of the president and vice president for documents relating to the National Security Agency’s legal justification for the wiretapping program.

White House lawyer Fred Fielding, in a Monday letter to Leahy, said that the administration needed more time. Leahy said they had waited long enough.

Bart says: Leahy is bluffing, like always and they know it, like always.
They’ll let some time drag by, then tell Leahy to, “Go fuck yourself,” like always.
We’ve all seen this movie a dozen times – why do we expect a different ending?

Meanwhile, Leahy is distracted by his childish Batman fetish.
Did you know he’s going to be in his third Batman movie?

His country is crumbling and he’s all worried about Batman.
What a joke – no wonder they tell him to “Go fuck yourself.”

How did I get in this party of silly-ass children?

1 Comment

  1. Hey Bart, don’t feel all alone – how did I get into a Republican party and vote for a President that spends money so fast it would embarass LBJ?
    You got good company on this score, kid – mine.;

    Comment by grimgold — August 20, 2007 @ 5:15 pm

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