
July 19, 2009

‘The Family’s’ Official (Secret) Magazine



  1. That’s some funny stuff,but it gets better.
    gov.Elliot Spitzer’s Prostitute is now alleging that another un-named Governor(who happens to have a prominent wife)was also a customer.
    Here is the story,sorry for the long URL,I can’t get Tiny to work properly:

    Now,I’m wracking My worn out noodle trying to imagine whom it could be.
    Any bets?

    Comment by Rainlander — July 19, 2009 @ 4:20 pm

  2. That’s a puzzler, Rain. The only one I can think of offhand would be Ah-nuld Schwarzenfluffer — he has a ‘prominent wife’ in Maria Shriver. I also wonder who this ‘Michael’ is — could it be Duke Cunningham’s lobbyist pal?

    I hope this Davis woman doesn’t end up like the ‘DC Madame’ Deborah Jeane Palfrey, an apparent ‘suicide.’

    “The “DC Madam” who ran a call-girl ring for Washington’s power elite has hanged herself, apparently to avoid being sent to jail.

    “Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 52, used a nylon rope to commit suicide in a shed outside her mother’s mobile home in Florida on Thursday – only two weeks after she was convicted of running a prostitution ring that served the upper echelons of Congress and the Bush Administration as well as officials from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

    “Palfrey’s clients allegedly included a married Republican senator from Louisiana; a deputy secretary of state; a top adviser to Bill Clinton and the Pentagon consultant who coined the term “shock and awe” to describe the US strategy in the Iraq war.” [...]

    “It was the second suicide related to the case. One of Palfrey’s call girls, Brandy Britton, a former University of Maryland professor, killed herself in January before she could go on trial for prostitution.”
    – From the Times Online (UK), May 3, 2008.

    No wonder ‘Hollywood madam’ Heidi Fleiss once said she would never reveal the contents of her ‘little black book,’ which allegedly contained the names of political heavyweights — she didn’t mind the jail time as much as she would the sudden urge to commit suicide.

    Comment by RS Janes — July 19, 2009 @ 6:43 pm

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