
August 21, 2007

Rove vs Hillary – a Gift

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 1:11 pm


Hillary says she’s thrilled to be getting under Rove’s skin. Still other Hillary advisers, however, are whispering anonymously to the Whore AP that they’re terrified that these Rovian attacks will drive up her negatives.
“Ooooooooo, scary! We never underestimate the capacity of Dems to be skittish. But
come on. A man who squandered sky-high Presidential approval ratings post-9/11 to
preside over what may be the largest downswing in Presidential popularity ever, who
fumbled control of both Houses of Congress, whose boss is routinely described as the
worst President in American history, who decimated the percentages of self-identified Republicans, and who himself has an approval rating in the low 20s…is saying mean things that are going to drive up her negatives! How terrifying!”

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