
August 21, 2007

Why ‘Islamophobia’ is a brilliant term

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 8:34 pm

And no one in any responsible capacity has called anyone “unpatriotic” just for criticizing America. Sen. Hillary Clinton claimed during the last Democratic presidential debate that the Defense Department called her “unpatriotic” for asking whether the Defense Department has a plan to withdraw American troops from Iraq. Yet the term “unpatriotic” was not only not used in the response to the senator, it was not even hinted at.
The fact remains that the term “Islamophobia” has one purpose – to suppress any criticism, legitimate or not, of Islam. And given the cowardice of the Western media, and the collusion of the left in banning any such criticism (while piling it on Christianity and Christians), it is working.

for more:

Why ‘Islamophobia’ is a brilliant term
Dennis Prager explains how label compares critics to anti-Semites, racists


  1. …. what?

    Comment by Peregrin — August 23, 2007 @ 12:38 am

  2. Nothing, Peregrin. Never mind.

    Comment by grimgold — August 24, 2007 @ 10:09 am

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