
February 1, 2007

BartCop Radio Show 104 is available to subscribers

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chicago Jim @ 7:37 am

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BartCop Radio show 104 is available on the site for subscribers. Double language alert as Bart wields his truth hammer on now confirmed media whore Tim “Clinton’s Cock” Russert. Internet polls, still trying to get past Kerry, Ohio’s stolen ’04 votes, Malloy on Wolf meets Dick and Bart makes a grim prediction about Iraq.

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  1. Yo- Bart.

    You posted the blurb about Obama freezing out Fox News because of the whole madrassa thing. It is nice that he has balls.

    But can you explain why any Dem goes on that channel? If all Dems “froze” them out, wouldn’t Fox News go out of business? As usual, they need to sac up and tell Fox to f*** off.

    Comment by bobamick1954 — February 1, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

  2. bob: they go on fox news for the same reason they go on hardball – because they want to be on tv. there’s plenty of neocons and shysters to go on fox news (and plenty of monkeys to watch it) to keep them in business. the only way fox news goes away is if murdoch pulls the plug on it.

    Comment by animaux — February 2, 2007 @ 5:52 am

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