
August 31, 2007

Nina Burleigh: Satan’s in the Stall Beside Me

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 4:28 pm

Nina Burleigh, The Huffington Post, August 30, 2007

The demise of mountain state Republican Senator Larry Craig amuses those of us who enjoy watching right-wing heroes crash to the ground, spiked on their own hypocrisy. It further confirms my theory: prick any conservative and the kink oozes out. The rockier the rib, the more likely you’ll find pink lingerie under the trousers or a bullwhip and manacles in the bedside drawer. You can bet those Beltway dominatrices, madams and escorts (gay and straight) have been able to buy second homes — maybe even in Sun Valley! — with their haul during W’s reign.

However, because we are people of compassion, we should also feel a little horrified by this tortured man’s sad, humiliating demise. He’s obviously lived his whole life afflicted by the religious psychobabble and outright bigotry of people who say homosexuality is a sickness and a lifestyle decision instead of an innate state of being that has nothing to do with illness or choice.

The sickness, of course, is in the suppression, which is why closeted men seek love in rank public bathroom stalls.

The Republican Party got Bush re-elected in 2004 by playing the homophobe card. In Ohio, their minions went door-to-door in Amish country and warned the historically non-secular inhabitants that if they didn’t get out and register Republican, gay marriage would be the law of the land. Tens of thousands of Amish men and women hitched horses to buggies, cracked their whips, and raced to the nearest polling place to vote to repel the Sodomites. With their unprecedented help, Ohio, that crucial state, slid ever so narrowly into the red column, sending the Bush regime back to the White House with four more years to plot how to bomb Tehran.

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  1. You know I really don’t giove a rat’s a** about anyone’s bedroom habits. But it really offends me when you lie about it and expect me to believe you. I mean come on, who picks up toilet paper off the floor when they’re not being paid to do it?

    Comment by greyhawk — September 1, 2007 @ 4:08 am

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