
October 12, 2009

Michele Bachmann’s Wacky ‘School Sex Clinics’


See a video of Crazy Michele in action here.

“Can you believe this, Mr. Speaker? Let’s put sex clinics in our schools, and let’s put Planned Parenthood in charge of these sex clinics, because the bill requires under this provision, Planned Parenthood would be authorized to serve as a sponsoring facility for the Nation’s schools.”
– Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Kookooland) on the House floor, Sept. 30, 2009.

“We see no language in the three main versions of the bill that would allow school-based clinics, which have a long history of providing basic health services to underprivileged students, to provide abortions. Nor would the clinics even be new — they have been around for three decades. So we rate the claim Pants on Fire!”
–’s Truth-O-Meter.

1 Comment

  1. And, let’s not forget the ‘Auto Mechanics and Body Repair’ classes!
    “Your Woman. My Woman! YOUR Wife – MOONS AND DENTS?”

    Comment by tsumbra — October 12, 2009 @ 8:49 am

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