
November 18, 2009

Hitler and Christmas

Filed under: Uncategorized — Peregrin @ 4:34 am

The newest article making the rounds this holiday season is entitled “How Hitler’s propaganda machine tried to take Christ out of Christmas.”  Look for mention of it on the O’Reilly Factor soon.

Replete with pictures of tree ornaments with swastikas, the article is about one woman’s obsessive search for such knick-knacks, along with her version of WWII history.

The information isn’t new.  One US general investigating Nazi war crimes found several hints of eventual plans to remove all church influence from the Nazi regime, and this was all public back in the 40′s.  It also didn’t get very far – the early regime mostly tried (successfully) to gain the approval of the churches.   So why is it circulating now?

I think this is why.  Look for the teabaggers to put these pictures side-by-side with the swastica ornaments.

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