
December 3, 2009

Opem letter to President Obama

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 6:18 am


Dear Mr. President,

When I heard that you had waited on the tarmac at Dover to receive 18 flag-draped coffins and took a walk through section 60 at Arlington before making a decision, I still had hope that you would take steps to end these wars. You were “the change we could believe in.” Now I see that you are simply more of the same.

Your speech was the best speech I have ever heard George Bush make. You worked 9/11 into it in exactly 130 words, yet managed to pronounce the word “nuclear” correctly. It was the perfect combination of your campaign rhetoric within the template that the Bush administration created and hammered into the minds of the American people for the past nine years. For that I am proud of you Mr. President, even though the substance of what you said piled up to be to the same sort of bovine excrement.

You have failed to fulfill most of your campaign promises. Your decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan is what’s called adding insult to injury. Your inauguration resulted in lots of fun-sounding, self-congratulatory platitudes about how this is the beginning of the end and yeah, we sure showed them, and we’re puttin’ on the pressure alright, and what a great day for democracy. More BS than you can find in all the ranches in the kingdom. I think that’s what you call the booby prize. Your decision, in the minds of many of us who now feel betrayed, is a fitting, lovely parting gift.

I hope you can live with it as well as George Bush and Dick Cheney have. As for me, it’s time to look into a viable third party.

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