
December 10, 2009

Most Americans still want a public option…despite millions spent in ads

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 1:20 am


While the Senate appears to be backtracking on a public option in heath care reform, the public seems to want to move forward with one.

A new CBS poll finds that about 59 percent of Americans support the inclusion of such a provision in any health care reform bill, while only 28 percent hold a negative view of it.

This finding comes despite the fact that a whopping one billion dollars was spent by corporations on political ads this year, most of which were targeted at destroying health care reform.

Once again, big money wins in Washington. If you think that’s bad, just wait until we get to climate legislation, where the petroleum Industry, some of the largest and most profitable corporations in the history of civilization, thanks to enormous federal subsidies, have a direct financial stake in the outcome.

The world’s most profitable corporations benefit mightily from U.S. government welfare, your tax-payer dollars, to the tune of some $72 billion over the last seven years in permanent subsidies.

Brad Friedman says it well when he states: “It’s horrible, an abrogation of what the Founding Fathers likely had in mind (nowhere, to my knowledge, does the support for unbridled corporate spending as “free speech” come into play in the Constitution at last read) and yet all signs suggest it’s only going to get far worse before it gets any better — if it ever does.”

Read more here:

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