
September 14, 2007

WPE seen in Vegas

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 9:00 am

Hey Bart!

We went out to dinner last night in Las Vegas to the best Pizzaria in all of Las
Vegas, Aurelio’s on South Eastern Avenue about 20 minutes from the strip in
Henderson. If you go, tell Big Al (the owner) Jeffko sent you.

It was Mom and Dad’s 53rd wedding anniversary and Dad’s birthday on 911 and they get
free gambling all over the place on this day, so we go out on the 12th. Dad is a
volunteer for HER and a lifelong Dem. Mom is more of an Edwards woman, because he
looks a little like JFK.

I wore my WPE T-shirt to the restaurant. The restaurants staff and their guests were
delighted, compliments on the shirts all around. The most satisfying though was the
stunned silence about the shirt with my neocon sister, her neocon husband, and my
neocon nephew.

It was a beautiful sight my friend, just beautiful.


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