
September 14, 2007

The GOP’s Shock Doctrine

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 9:08 am


So, John Dean, stop wondering what happened to your fellow 
Republicans. They embarked, knowingly in many cases, unknowingly in 
some cases, with utter indifference in still other cases, upon the 
destruction of the common good. They began doing this in the Cold War 
and kept up with it when it turned out to benefit them economically. 
Some of them did this because they were fearful and aggressive by 
nature, and hurting those outside their own families and clubs felt 
good, or reassuring. Some did it for money. Some did it for 
“patriotism.” Some did it for religion and some did it out of pure 
cussedness, but they did it, and they did it over time.

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