
September 14, 2007

Bush’s dollar falls to all-time low vs Euro

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 1:13 pm


The euro hit an all-time high against the dollar Wednesday.

I’m so old, I remember when America had a good economy.
Under Bush, we’re a debtor nation nobody wants to invest in.


  1. The heck with Europe, bart – the Canadian dollar is almost the same as ours.

    Not good news for those of us who go up to Canada to vacation, gamble and drink.

    Comment by LuLu — September 14, 2007 @ 4:23 pm

  2. Yes!
    I wasn’t going to say anything because I decided your readers had to be sick to death of hearing this sort of thing from me, but the euro has been steadily rising against the dollar from $1.00 equivelant about two years ago to about $1.38 today. This would be equivelant to about 19% per year of inflation in American dollars.
    Don’t pick on just GW on this one. This scam, raising money through inflation rather than raising taxes has been going on for seventy years!
    It has to stop. People will do something about this if they are no longer intimidated by our economic authorities who think “a little bit of inflation is a good thing.”
    It is not!
    Inflation creates poor people, and that’s wrong. Period.

    Comment by grimgold — September 14, 2007 @ 4:26 pm

  3. I seem to also remember gas at $0.98 a gallon…in the late 1990s!

    Comment by idealistferret — September 14, 2007 @ 5:09 pm

  4. Why is the US media not talking about this? Why do people panic when a stock falls .5% yet a 25% fall in the dollar WORLDWIDE…not just the Euro…does not get a whisper.

    And for gas prices….oil is traded on a world market. The dollar falls 25% and gas prices (in the US) go up….could these two events be connected? This should be a no-brainer.

    As for Bush, this guy orders the Treasury to print money without realizing that the more units you have on the market the less value each unit has. Just becasue Bush prints up an extra Billion dollars does not mean he is a Billion dollars richer. It just means that each dollar has less value.

    I want to know how much this administation has invested in foreign currency over the years. Knowing Cheney he has probably been investing the Euro for years.

    Comment by magicact — September 17, 2007 @ 12:59 pm

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