
September 14, 2007

His Name’s Pronounced “Shoo” Not “Hashoo!” -Grin

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 9:42 pm

His Name’s Pronounced “Shoo” Not “Hashoo!”

The Main Scream Media has been curiously quiet concerning the amusing exploits of democrat darling Norman Yung Yuen Hsu (pronounced “Shoo” not “Hashoo” so no Kleenex necessary).
This guy is what is called a bundler. What he does is charm liberals into donating money (“for the children” undoubtedly). Since huge contributions are now illegal, Hsu gathers lots of smaller donations into a bundle then presents the money to people like Obama and Clinton.
In 1991, a California court accused Hsu of fathering a ponzi scheme (an edifice of empty promises of huge returns in a short period of time through pyramiding). He pleaded no contest to grand theft of investors’ money, then, rather than appearing for his sentencing hearing, ran as fast as his little feet could go, all the way to Hong Kong (why wasn’t his passport revoked? Duh?).
There he lived off additional eloquent B.S. and more business schemes until, in 1998, he was declared bankrupt by the Hong Kong courts.
Real Good Norm! Makes us all proud.
But Norman wasn’t done. Oh, no. He snuck back into the U.S. (He still had his passport?) where he had lots of friends he could bleed and continued to live in luxury through money he was able to siphon off as he kept up the begging and threatening for large donations to democrat candidates and causes.
But then the WSJ, even though weak from laughter, managed to blow the whistle, loudly announcing that the charming Norman Y. Y. Hsu had a fifteen year old warrant outstanding.
As soon as found out Norm turned himself in and was released on $2 million bail.
Then he ran again!
Quickly snapped up by the F.B.I. in Colorado, Hsu is now cooling his heels in some jail.
What do you wanna bet he still has his passport?

So what’s the point of all this? Why do I bother with a story that’s being ignored by the drive-by media? Is it that ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN are turning a cold shoulder because it involves democrats, not republicans? You can bet that if this was about republicans we’d be hearing about it continuously!

But I had something else in mind:
The Hsu saga shows the lengths all politicians have to go to to raise the vast amounts of money needed for decent campaigns.
One of the greatest campaign expenditures is the cost of T.V. appearances. Television stations are required to broadcast weather as part of their federal charter, so why not free time for candidates running for office? Perhaps then Norman would have to find something else to do besides bundling, then bungling, and making Hillary look bad.

1 Comment

  1. Perhaps this is a non-issue because Hsu was never employed by her campaign. Is Hillary to be hung drawn and quartered over someone who had no position in her organization?

    Unlike Mitt Romney’s employee.

    National finance committee co-chairman, Alan B. Fabian, who was indicted in Maryland for “allegedly shady business dealings.”

    Comment by greyhawk — September 16, 2007 @ 1:01 pm

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