
September 15, 2007

Ayatollah: Bush will be tried for Iraq crimes

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 9:09 am


Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Bush will be called to account for the U.S.-led invasion.

“A day will come that the current U.S. president and officials will be tried in an international supreme court for the catastrophes they caused in Iraq,” he said.

“Americans will have to answer for why they don’t end occupation of Iraq and why
waves of terrorism and insurgency have overwhelmed the country,” he added.
“It will not be like this forever and some day they will be stopped as happened
to Hitler, Saddam and certain other European leaders.”

Bart says: “Waves of terrorism” is what Bush needs to steal that oil. If Iraq was at peace, reporters could drive to the oil fields and ask where all those millions of barrels disappear to every day – and why there are no meters on the pumps.

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