
September 15, 2007

WHORE USA Today newspaper

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 9:46 am

I was reading their “25 year” special and they were so proud to recommend Clinton be impeached for “not putting the country first,” as tho his sex life was OUR business.

Now that madman King George has set the Middle East aflame with his crimes,
WHORE USA Today would rather go out of business than call for his impeachment.

To me, that’s the very definition of a political whore. They wanted Clinton thrown out of office for a BJ but 4,000 dead soldiers and maybe 50,000 maimed soldiers means NOTHING to them because it doesn’t involve Clinton’s zipper.

Why does WHORE USA Today think a BJ is worse than 4,000 dead soldiers?
Because they are Republican whores, that’s why.
They see their job as protecting Bush and attacking Democrats.

1 Comment

  1. Bart, you know that our Corporate Controlled Conservative Press (CCCP–sounds familiar?) says that the CLENIS and the CLINTORIS are the centers of all evil in the world…

    Comment by JosephEBacon — September 16, 2007 @ 3:29 am

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