
September 16, 2007

Ol’ Hill Does It Again! -Grim

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 10:58 pm

Once again, if most of the money is taken out of politics by requiring free television spots, the same as weather is required by the FCC, this sort of thing would diminish, don’t you think?

Hillary Fundraiser Curses Out GOP
When Florida’s Republican Party attacked Hillary Clinton for enlisting a fundraiser once accused of racketeering, the fundraiser responded with a profanity-laced tirade — and later apologized.

Former Hialeah, Fla., Mayor Raul Martinez was brought up on federal corruption charges nearly two decades ago. He was convicted but successfully appealed, and two more trials ended in hung juries, the Miami Herald reported.

After the Democrat hosted a Clinton fundraiser at his home on Monday, Sept. 10, Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer issued a release stating, “Considering the controversy that is still swirling from the arrest of Norman Hsu last week, it’s surprising that a politician as calculating as Hillary Clinton would enlist another embattled fundraiser to help line her campaign coffers in Florida.”

Told about the release from Greer, Martinez called him a “vulgar word for a female body part,” according to the Herald, and told the paper: “I would debate any f****** Republican about my past. We’ll have a debate . . . if they want to take me on.”

He added: “I’m a businessman. I’m a Democrat. Why shouldn’t I raise money at my house? I will get on the horse, and I will beat the s*** out of them.”

The next day, Martinez — who stepped down as mayor in 2005 — said he was sorry about the obscene rant. In an e-mail to the Herald, which had reported the outburst, he said, “I want to apologize to you and your readers.”

He also said: “I was baited and I took it. There is no excuse for it. I should have known better.”


  1. Point 1 – Martinez was accused of racketeering. In the real world, an accusation is not the same as a conviction.

    Point 2 – Martinez’s comments were in response to yet another right-wing hack who wants to blur those lines.

    So, is this story about Martinez being accused of something and not just taking it lying down?

    Comment by Peregrin — September 17, 2007 @ 12:59 am

  2. Grim inquires: Once again, if most of the money is taken out of politics by requiring free television spots, the same as weather is required by the FCC, this sort of thing would diminish, don’t you think?

    Well, Grim, depends on what you mean by “this sort of thing.” I’m all for it if it makes Republicans think twice about wasting their precious allotment of air time on innuendo and outright fabulism. I’m all for it if it would make all candidates focus on the issues and priorities of the American people instead of blathering away and using donor money to test fly talking points – most of which are pointless or beside the point.

    I have another option to propose: ban candidates and campaign news from TV. That would reduce the constant barrage of unwelcome commercial interruptions during campaign seasons (which are getting longer and longer) and force candidates to communicate in person, in print, and on the internet. That would allow those who wish to avoid their so-called messages to do so more easily.

    Let’s face it – while there are individual exceptions, the heaviest viewers of TV are not well informed, but they are easily inflamed and manipulated. Interleaving political messages with the violent, lowbrow, stereotype-ridden content of most TV shows is a very bad idea if one is interested in vibrant democracy. And I include televised “news” shows as being part of the matrix of lowbrow content.

    Comment by Joanne from WI — September 17, 2007 @ 8:59 am

  3. Joanne, where have you been all my life? I thoroughly agree with you. It is so nice to see someone else put these ideas in print, and so well. As I tell volt, you might try writing your own stuff and posting it!
    Further you made me growl and grab the dictionary – now lets see… fabulism… hmmm. Not in the dictionary but comes from the word fable, probably. Good word in spite of Webster.
    I want to see TV content, like C-Span puts out regularly, on nutball TV during the campaign season. Perhaps this would happen if the money was taken out of it.
    Thank you for the response, you are most refreshing. Grimmy

    Comment by grimgold — September 17, 2007 @ 10:39 am

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