
May 1, 2010

Cap and trade scandal facts

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 1:10 am

The right wing blogosphere is alight like a burning oil rig in the gulf with the Beckian cap and trade scandal, soon to be tied in with the Limbot’s theory that the oil spill in the gulf was a result of a terrorist attack, staged or allowed to happen. The alleged motiveĀ is a socialist redistribution of wealth planned years ago in Kenya by Mao Hussein Obama. I wrote this just to piss off the right-wingers…


Forget that what will be the largest oil spill in U.S. history will foul the coastlines of four states, including the nicest beaches in Florida on the panhandle. Never mind a record-breaking defense budget, two ongoing wars, a continuation of torture and illegal detention policies. Arming ICBMs with conventional warheads that could trigger a nuclear war if launched – no problem. Even possible criminal charges against Goldman Sachs, and an economy that is not rebounding for working-class Americans is no match for the… “cap and trade scandal.”

According to ace investigative journalist Glenn Beck and the populist heroes that work behind the scenes at Fox News, the American people are about to fall prey to a government called “Crime, Inc.” that will systematically redistribute wealth through a cap and trade tax.

The latest census bureau data from 2007 shows that the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans hold 42.7% of the financial wealth in the nation and the next 19 percent hold 50.3%, leaving the bottom 80 percent of Americans holding a mere 7% of financial wealth in the nation. So, even though millionaires like Glenn Beck may have the most to lose and most Americans may gain from such a diabolical scheme (if that were true), he must be looking out for the common good like other Fox News hosts do on a daily basis.

According to Brian Frederick writing for Media Matters, this is how Glenn Beck claims it will go down:

Cap and trade is really just a “scam” and “redistribution of wealth.” In order to perpetrate this scam, the Joyce Foundation, an environmental organization whose board used to include Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett, steered grants toward developing the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). Investors in the CCX included Al Gore, Fannie and Freddie and some Goldman Sachs partners.

Meanwhile, “really bad dude” Franklin Raines, former chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae, helped secure a technological patent for what Beck never really explains, but it has to do with the cap-and-trade exchange system. Raines serves on the board of the Enterprise Community Partners, so according to Beck, he asked Enterprise to ask the Joyce Foundation for cash for a new group: the Emerald Cities Collaborative (“Green-Fair-Democratic”).

And of course, since it’s the Emerald Cities, Beck says, there must be a “wizard.” The wizard? Joel Rogers, a professor who heads the Center on Wisconsin Strategy. He’s directly shaping President Obama’s thinking.

So there you have it. The grandest of Beckian conspiracy theories. One University of Wisconsin (my alma mater, by the way) professor and activist is the “wizard” behind an elaborate system to redistribute wealth, and there are multiple organizations and corporations in on it, including the Obamian People’s Army of Chicago economics. Apparently Mao Tse-Tung was disguised as Milton Friedman all those years at the University of Chicago.

Conservative bloggers, arm chair pundits, and the faithful followers of Glenn Beck are screaming for more mainstream media coverage of this horrendous atrocity and are baffled as to why the corporate media will not pay attention to this breaking story.

Perhaps that’s because there are bigger stories orchestrated by the powers that be to distract the media from this scandal. Next thing we know, there will be a staged terrorist attack on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico to put forth this radical agenda. (Oh, that’s right, Rush Limbaugh already is on that one). Perhaps because big media (excluding, of course, Fox News) is part of a grand conspiracy by the liberal elite, progressives, environmentalists, bankers, energy companies, and the Kenyan Obama administration to rob middle America of all their remaining wealth. Perhaps because one needs a tinfoil hat to truly understand the connection between Michael Ayers, Michael Moore and cupcakes.


Or…perhaps because there is absolutely no basis in fact for the allegations.

Read (lots) more here:

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