
June 15, 2010

Federal panel of scientists sharply increase estimate of leaking oil – finally the truth?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 9:54 pm

Author’s note: As I say in the article, I am beginning to think BP and the federal government are conditioning the American people to slowly accept the magnitude of this disaster. I was extremely disappointed with Obama’s speech tonight…WTF!?! He asked us to pray for the shrimpers! Please remind me what century we are living in. And restoring the Gulf to it’s original condition is impossible. It is no coincidence that this new estimate was released on the same day as the feel-good speech. I am getting tired of this hog snot…

A federal panel of scientists have sharply increased the estimate of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico from 210,000 gallons per day to between 1.47 and 2.52 million gallons per day.

According to this new “official” estimate, that means as of Tuesday, up to 116 million gallons have leaked into the Gulf, which is more than 10 times that of the Exxon Valdez spill. Keep in mind that it takes only one quart of oil to poison 250,000 gallons of seawater for all marine life.

Other scientists have claimed as long as a month ago that the actual amount of oil leaking could be even greater than the newly revised estimate.

Ironically, this news comes exactly one month after an article that I published for the Examiner on May 15, which quoted various scientists whom at the time estimated that the leak is far greater than the then “official” claim of 210,000 gallons per day.

As is now evident, scientists a month ago had far more accurate estimates of the magnitude of the leak than both BP and the federal government. Furthermore, subsequent developments such as the discovery of three giant underwater plumes of oil, tar balls washing up in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, and the discovery of additional leaks also validate the prior estimates of scientists.

Here’s a snippet of what scientists are saying now:

The estimated super high pressure release of oil from under the earth’s crust is between 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per day. The flow of oil and toxic gases is bringing up with it…rocks and sand which causes the flow to create a sandblasting effect on the remaining well head device currently somewhat restricting the flow, as well as the drilled hole itself. The well head piping is originally about 2 inches thick. It is now likely to be less than 1 inch thick, and thinning by each passing moment. The oil along with the gasses, including benzene and many other toxins, is depleting the oxygen in the water. This is killing all life in the ocean.

Today is the fourth time that the federal government has had to increase the estimate of the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf. It is astonishing that BP and the federal government have any credibilty left at this point, even in the corporate media.

Given the current estimate of the leak, the initial 42,000 and the later 210,000 gallons per day estimate were, at best, a result of utter incompetance or were outright lies. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the American people are being willfully mislead in order to gradually condition them to accept the enormity of this disaster. It is quite possible that the environmental damage will never be able to be reversed, at least in our lifetimes.

One would think that after 57 days, if the technology to stop this leak existed, then that would have been done by now.

Read more and get linksĀ here: Orlando Independent Examiner – Federal panel of scientists sharply increase estimate of leaking oil – finally the truth?

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