
July 3, 2010

67 Americans who will not be celebrating the 4th of July

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 7:58 am

Author’s note: Seems like the wars are not getting much attention, but each of these 67 families deserve that.

67 Americans will not be celebrating the 4th of July, and 67 families will grieve a loved one this holiday, because of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The pentagon has released the names of 67 Americans who have died in June, bringing the total U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan this year to 203.

While Americans are understandably concerned with the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, a stagnant economy and a plethora of other issues, the two ongoing wars seem to get little attention in the media. The members of the armed services who put their lives on the line and make the ultimate sacrifice seem to be getting less and less attention.

It is a safe assumption that most Americans who have been paying attention to the news put forth by the corporate media do not how many service members died in June, and even fewer know their names. This article may be long, but that is because the list of young Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice to their country is long. The list will get longer until Americans demand an end to these wars. If you cannot take the time to read each name, then ask yourself if it was worth it for each one of these young people to give their lives.

To whom it may concern, here are their names and some details about each one of them: (see link)

Many Americans voted for a leader that promised to bring an end to the wars, yet nothing substantive has been done toward that end. Meanwhile, the corporate media buries news about the wars, leaving these brave young men and women to die with a hardly a mention to their names. They deserve more. We as a nation deserve more.

Our young people are not fighting a foreign enemy bent on invading our homeland, they are occupying the homeland of other nations and are paying for that with their lives. Meanwhile our homeland and our economy is being destroyed by the very corporations that reap the profits from these wars and from the reckless spending of our tax dollars that finance the wars. BP, for instance, holds more than $2 billion in annual US defense contracts and continues to be the premiere provider of fuel to the world’s largest consumer of oil and gas: the pentagon.

Perhaps the best way to support our troops is to bring them home. And the best way to protect America may be to protect our borders, our shorelines and our economy by focusing our resources on solutions to the problems that we have here in the US, not occupying and rebuilding other nations halfway across the globe.

Read more here: Madison Independent Examiner – 67 Americans who will not be celebrating the 4th of July

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