
June 20, 2010

Obesity at Disneyland: It’s down from four years ago

Four years ago I spent Thanksgiving day at Disneyland and was shocked to see so many obese teenagers there — touring the place in wheelchairs and scooters because they were too overweight to walk. This sight made a lasting impression on me. I’m talking about 15-year-olds and 16-year-olds weighing up to 500 or 600 pounds.

So when I returned to Disneyland again this year on assignment from my two-year-old granddaughter Mena, I expected to see more of the same — and I was completely delighted when I didn’t.

What I saw instead was a group of obese young adults. Apparently the teenagers that I had seen four years ago had now grown up — but there wasn’t so many of them as before. Why is that?

My thesis is that Americans have finally become aware that the high-fructose corn syrup in their sodas and the partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil (trans fats) in their fries have caused them to balloon up far beyond anything that has ever happened before in human history.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Almost all nutritionists finger high fructose corn syrup consumption as a major culprit in the nation’s obesity crisis. The inexpensive sweetener flooded the American food supply in the early 1980s, just about the time the nation’s obesity rate started its unprecedented climb.”

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, ” In animal studies, eating trans fat promotes obesity and resistance to insulin, the precursor to diabetes.”

Several scientific studies have clearly indicated that the teens I had seen in Disneyland earlier weren’t just ravenous gluttons who couldn’t push themselves away from the table and who had no will power at all. These teenagers have been chemically poisoned for profit by the food industry.

How else can you explain this phenomena?

I recently ran into a young woman who I hadn’t seen in approximately the last ten months — and in that short time she had gained over 100 pounds. How the freak can you gain 100 pounds in less than a year? High-fructose corn syrup and partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil, that’s how.

And diet soda might also be to blame — where your tongue sends a message to your brain that something sweet is heading toward your stomach, but then it never arrives — and this drives your spleen, pancreas and liver crazy!

According to an ABC News report, “Calorie-conscious consumers who opt for diet sodas may gain more weight than if they drank sugary drinks because of artificial sweeteners contained in the diet sodas, according to a new study. A Purdue University study released Sunday in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience reported that rats on diets containing the artificial sweetener saccharin gained more weight than rats given sugary food, casting doubt on the benefits of low-calorie sweeteners.”

Not only that, but our livers are trained to filter out any chemicals that it doesn’t recognize as something that our ancestors were familiar with. And no liver is gonna be able to recognize artificial sweeteners from back in the caveman days! And so our livers get screwed. And so do we. Why? Because basically all that diet sodas consist of are water and chemicals. But I digress.

Even with time set aside for obesity research, we still had a marvelous time at Disneyland. Ashley wanted to go see Captain E-O. I wanted to go see Small World, to find out if they had messed it up with all those new changes (they hadn’t). And Mena just wanted to see Pooh. We saw A LOT of Winnie the Pooh. “He’s ALIVE!” exclaimed Mena.

Mena loved the Tiki Room and the Jungle Cruise. She hated the Haunted Mansion. And she started out to not like the Pirates of the Caribbean but was won over after a few minutes — although that night, she talked in her sleep and said, “I don’t like pirates.”

In any case, we sadly said goodbye to Disneyland after it closed at midnight and drove back to where we were staying in Inglewood, having had a truly wonderful time. And here’s the video to prove it:

June 11, 2010

Does Israel have a right to exist? Yeah but…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Jane Stillwater @ 9:52 pm

Forget about Israel’s right to exist. Let’s talk about America’s right to exist. And let’s also talk about every other nation in the world’s right to exist as well. At approximately what point does a nation — any nation — lose its right to exist?

When it stops behaving itself?

When it starts using its power and resources for obscenely selfish reasons — or even for evil?

When a country deliberately starts breaking the world’s rules as set forth in the U.N. charter and the Geneva convention, does it then forfeit its right to exist? When America not only condones torture but performs medical experiments on the victims of its tortures, has America gone too far?

Did America lose its right to exist by lying about the Tonkin Gulf incident in Vietnam or the non-existent WMD incident in Iraq? Does Israel lose its right to exist because it lied about what happened during the recent Freedom Flotilla incident?

In the past, our world community has decided that the Soviet Union, Corporatist Germany and Italy and Imperial Japan did not have a right to exist — but at what point did these nations cross over the line? Is America and some of its allies slowly edging up to that line now?

Let’s look at this issue from a personal level. For instance, would I lose my right to exist if I murdered someone? Can they send me to the electric chair if I maliciously take human life? And just exactly how much human life will I be allowed to take before I am no longer allowed to exist? Will I be allowed to kill over a million people before I am stopped? Even if I present a really good excuse? And make money on the deal as well? And get some extra oil and real estate thrown in?

“An eye for an eye…” the old saying goes. Does that mean that if Americans and/or their allies have killed hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people in the Middle East, then Middle Easterners will be perfectly justified in killing hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans in return?

At what point does a nation — or even a person — lose its right to exist?

How come murderers in Texas are given lethal injections but murderers in Washington become billionaires?

Where exactly DO we draw the line regarding who has a right to exist?

PS: This brings up another point as well: If a person or nation misbehaves, do we take them out and shoot them? Or just send them to bed without any dinner? And who decides on the punishment?

PPS: America has just proved to me that it DOES have a right to exist. I just took my two-year-old granddaughter to Disneyland — and any country that can produce something as joyful as Disneyland might possibly have a shot at redemption.

PPPS: I just came back from my Jin Shin Jyutsu class, where I learned about how to make our kidneys and adrenal glands work better — by gently holding certain places on our bodies for three minutes each.

Our class covered a lot of material today but basically I learned that, “Sometimes we exacerbate our adrenal glands’ load by expecting the world to be different than it is. People with adrenal burn-out suffer from angst because they can’t get the world to be the way that they want it to be. And the more that we try to control the outside world, the more frustrations we will have.”

So how much control of the outside world is really necessary? Or even effective? Dictators and tyrants try too hard to control their worlds. Billionaires seem to think that if they only accumulate enough dinero they will also be able to control their world. And I bet that people like Saddam Hussein, Republican neo-cons, media censors, Israeli commandos and BP executives thought that if they just had enough money, jails or guns, they too would be in control. But guess what? You can’t EVER control the world (or the people) around you. You’ll never be able too — no matter how hard you try.

Unjust punishment ALWAYS leads to resistance.

PPPPS: Here’s a step-by step description of the Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise I was talking about. It’s good for calming ourselves and stopping us from tearing our hair out because we cannot control the uncontrollable.

First, take your left hand and place it gently over your right baby toe, holding it lightly from its top to all the way down to the very base of its bone at the ball of your foot. And while you are holding your left hand over your right little toe, take your right hand and cup it lightly over your public bone. Pretend that you are a hip-hop star. Hold this position for three minutes.

Jin Shin Jyutsu points are much larger than acupuncture points, BTW. Each one is the size of the palm of your hand. You pretty much can’t miss them.

Next take your left hand and place it over your coccyx and just leave it there until further notice. Then take your right hand and place it over the middle of your bottom left front rib. Hold that position for three minutes too.

Feeling calmer already? We’re almost half-way done. Persevere, okay?

Next, with your left hand still lightly clutching your coccyx, move your right hand to your left top front rib, right under your collar bone. This is the “I Pledge Allegiance” hold. Three minutes more.

And, last, keeping your left hand still on your butt, cup your right hand onto the back of your neck, on the left side, just behind your left ear. And hold that for three minutes — and then you’re done. Here’s the video:

And you can do this whole thing while watching TV if you want. “Survivor” or “Big Brother” would be good shows to watch. No one can truly control who will get voted off next on those shows.

And if everyone in the world everywhere did this exercise every single day, then perhaps we might not have so many blooming control freaks trying to run our world — trying to run MY world. Then torture chambers and vast checkpoints and nuclear weapons and religious fanatics and Wall Street bailouts might no longer be necessary — as people stop trying to control others and work more on trying to get their own selves under control.

June 7, 2010

Corporatists’ real target: Teabaggers, America, you, me & Marcy Winograd

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Jane Stillwater @ 12:23 pm

I’m down here in Los Angeles at the LAX Motel 6, getting ready to take my two-year-old granddaughter off to Disneyland. At least that’s the plan. You never can tell with two-year-olds. According to “The Happiest Toddler on the Block,” they are basically cavemen — unpredictable! But I digress.

Anyway, this Motel 6 has wi-fi so when I checked my FaceBook page this morning, my friend Les Aaron had made the following comment: “During the time that America’s infrastructure has fallen apart and we haven’t been able to find money to fill potholes or rebuild bridges, China went from being a nation of peasants to a country of 121 modern cities with populations of over one million. In ten years, they built a city of skyscrapers in Southern China from nothing — at the same time that we were talking about leasing our roads and our ports to foreign interests. Something has to change.”

Les also stated that, “Over 1,750 out of 1,900 of WalMart’s leading suppliers are based in Asia. This is money flowing out of our country. No big deal, you say? Consider that WalMart is an entire category by itself. Its 400 billion-plus annual sales is more than our entire retailing sector combined. More than the business of Sears, Macys, Target, KMart, and…all other retailers combined!”

And then there’s all the American money that has been sucked up by Wall Street in the past 30 years. And all the American money that has disappeared down the rat-hole of “war”.

And who has benefited from all this — if not us? Lobbyists, politicians, corporatists, weapons manufacturers and a couple handfuls of nefarious faceless billionaires who you and I will never EVER meet face to face.

And who loses? You, me and even the Teabaggers who now seem to be so up in arms about everything except what really counts — outsourcing, Wall Street bailouts and War.

So here I am down in Los Angeles, staying in Inglewood, and steeling myself to spend a day in Disneyland with a two-year-old — when I drive past a campaign poster for a Democratic candidate for Congress, and the poster actually reads, “Jobs not War”. When have I EVER seen anything like that before!

Then I drive a little bit further and there’s another poster. “Homes not Banks”. Get outta town! Who IS this Marcy Winograd? And why aren’t all Americans, even Teabaggers, demanding not only that Winograd get elected but also that someone like her get elected by every Congressional district in America!

Screw warmongers. Screw Wall Street. Screw WalMart. I want my country back. “Jobs not War”!

PS: And while we are happily visiting some home truths here in LaLaLand, let’s also take a closer look at Israel’s recent violent attack on humanitarian aid ships in the Mediterranean. Israel has been trying to justify this brutal and illegal attack due to religious grounds or on the grounds of trying to protect its own safely or because it simply doesn’t like its own creation, Hamas.

But the real motivation of Israel’s attack and, indeed, the whole siege of Gaza itself, seems to be in order to keep things stirred up in the Middle East. Nothing else makes sense. If Israel was acting rationally, the Israel-Palestine problem would have been solved 20 years ago. However, if there is no peace in the Middle East, then there’s no excuse to spend American money on “war”. Your money. MY money. Israel appears to have been used (once again) as a cats-paw by corporatists, war lobbyists and all those money-grubbing billionaires who will NEVER be our friends or ask US over for dinner.

Winograd is right. “Jobs not War”!

PPS: Now we’re off to Disneyland. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Corporatists’ real target: Teabaggers, America, you, me & Marcy Winograd

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Jane Stillwater @ 12:23 pm

I’m down here in Los Angeles at the LAX Motel 6, getting ready to take my two-year-old granddaughter off to Disneyland. At least that’s the plan. You never can tell with two-year-olds. According to “The Happiest Toddler on the Block,” they are basically cavemen — unpredictable! But I digress.

Anyway, this Motel 6 has wi-fi so when I checked my FaceBook page this morning, my friend Les Aaron had made the following comment: “During the time that America’s infrastructure has fallen apart and we haven’t been able to find money to fill potholes or rebuild bridges, China went from being a nation of peasants to a country of 121 modern cities with populations of over one million. In ten years, they built a city of skyscrapers in Southern China from nothing — at the same time that we were talking about leasing our roads and our ports to foreign interests. Something has to change.”

Les also stated that, “Over 1,750 out of 1,900 of WalMart’s leading suppliers are based in Asia. This is money flowing out of our country. No big deal, you say? Consider that WalMart is an entire category by itself. Its 400 billion-plus annual sales is more than our entire retailing sector combined. More than the business of Sears, Macys, Target, KMart, and…all other retailers combined!”

And then there’s all the American money that has been sucked up by Wall Street in the past 30 years. And all the American money that has disappeared down the rat-hole of “war”.

And who has benefited from all this — if not us? Lobbyists, politicians, corporatists, weapons manufacturers and a couple handfuls of nefarious faceless billionaires who you and I will never EVER meet face to face.

And who loses? You, me and even the Teabaggers who now seem to be so up in arms about everything except what really counts — outsourcing, Wall Street bailouts and War.

So here I am down in Los Angeles, staying in Inglewood, and steeling myself to spend a day in Disneyland with a two-year-old — when I drive past a campaign poster for a Democratic candidate for Congress, and the poster actually reads, “Jobs not War”. When have I EVER seen anything like that before!

Then I drive a little bit further and there’s another poster. “Homes not Banks”. Get outta town! Who IS this Marcy Winograd? And why aren’t all Americans, even Teabaggers, demanding not only that Winograd get elected but also that someone like her get elected by every Congressional district in America!

Screw warmongers. Screw Wall Street. Screw WalMart. I want my country back. “Jobs not War”!

PS: And while we are happily visiting some home truths here in LaLaLand, let’s also take a closer look at Israel’s recent violent attack on humanitarian aid ships in the Mediterranean. Israel has been trying to justify this brutal and illegal attack due to religious grounds or on the grounds of trying to protect its own safely or because it simply doesn’t like its own creation, Hamas.

But the real motivation of Israel’s attack and, indeed, the whole siege of Gaza itself, seems to be in order to keep things stirred up in the Middle East. Nothing else makes sense. If Israel was acting rationally, the Israel-Palestine problem would have been solved 20 years ago. However, if there is no peace in the Middle East, then there’s no excuse to spend American money on “war”. Your money. MY money. Israel appears to have been used (once again) as a cats-paw by corporatists, war lobbyists and all those money-grubbing billionaires who will NEVER be our friends or ask US over for dinner.

Winograd is right. “Jobs not War”!

PPS: Now we’re off to Disneyland. I’ll let you know how that goes.

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