
March 21, 2012

Fox News Lies Killed This Man’s Mother

Tracy Knauss is a progressive satirist who has done great art collages like the one shown below:

But even Knauss’ solid slapdowns of Fox News likely didn’t prepare Tracy for the tragedy that struck his family; his mother, an ardent Fox News viewer, refused medical treatment that led to her death; she refused it due to false information spread by Fox News. Read on:

This is not my normal political satire. This is the truth. For real. FOX NEWS KILLED MY MOTHER — For about 20% of Americans, many of them older and/or uneducated, Fox News is the main source of information. But rest assured Fox is not about news any more than it’s fair and balanced. FOX is the main propaganda arm for the Republican Party and America’s plutocrats. It is THE worst of the corporate owned media. FOX’s founder, Roger Ailes, was the top media consultant to the last four Republican presidents. No way was he going to create a fair or balanced news media. FOX News is killing America one lie at a time, one life at a time. I know this personally. FOX News killed my precious mother, Hallie. She watched FOX religiously. And when she fell ten days before she died, she refused to go to the doctor because, “I don’t want Obamacare to get all of my information!” she declared, recalling the warnings from FOX News “anchors.” She was emphatic. She was not going to consort with the Muslim enemy. As she made out her will she told her lawyer, “I don’t want any of my money going to the Muslim Brotherhood!” And her last protestation dealt with “Obama’s death panels.” Mother died just days later. I hold FOX News responsible for my mother’s death.
– Tracy Knauss, as quoted at Silenced Majority.

Here is the graphic Tracy posted with the entry above:

And this also appeared on Tracy’s Facebook page:


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