
November 10, 2008

Stacked Deck

Filed under: Opinion — Tags: , — Bob Patterson @ 7:00 pm

The conservative talk show hosts will give President Elect Obama the same chance that a card shark with a marked deck extends to a rich, but dumb “mark.”

Obviously, all human endeavours are flawed to some extent.  Therefore if Obama does well, the Rush crowd will denigrate his accomplishments and point out the flaws and stress that things could be better and imply that if Repbulicans were running the show; they would be better.

If things don’t go well and Obama fails to avert an economic catastrophy, well then the conservative talk show hosts will play the Ann Coulter freedom of speech card and say:  “What did you expect from a democrat.”  If they really want to play dirty they can even imply (or say it flat out):  “What else could you expect from a person of color?”

The conservatives have it made for the time being.  They can stress the negative, ignore the Obama accomplishments, and harangue the listeners about how things would be much better if the Republicans had remained in control.

The liberal pundits will have to defend against all the lies, innuendo, and spin and stress the positive.  If Obama gives every tax payer a new Ford car, the conservative commentators can just say:  “Why not a Rolls?”  If the world experiences a new Great Depression, Rush and Bill & Co. will be relentless in their efforts to condemn him for incompetence and failure.

If Alaska’s Senator has to resign can Governor Palin name herself to replace him in the Senate? 

For Democrats dealing with Republican sin spin and grin attitude will always be a Sisyphus type task. 

For the Republican bankrolled commentators it ain’t over until the fat lady sings and they will gleefully inform you:  she just died.

For Democrats it will always be a case of an eternal Rush (and Bill).

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