It’s been a while since Marc Perkel published this piece, but it’s damn good advice in any day and age. Just substitute e-mail for fax – although, lots of businesses still use fax machines.
The next thing you want to do is to be “to the point”. You have a message that you want to get across and want to focus (like a laser beam) on that message. You want the reader to know exactly what you are saying in as few words as possible. Use simple language and word your thoughts so that any idiot can understand what you are saying. Do not try to impress the reader with your command of the English language. The important thing is to get the message out.
click for the full article.
Perkel has had letters published in just about every damn newspaper there is.
The Tattlesnake – A (Partial) Collection of Lesser-Known Quotes Edition
Plenty of Pith, Punch and Pop for Potted Palookas, Peeved Prognosticators and Potent Portside Political Pundits