
November 5, 2008

Now what?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Bob Patterson @ 7:37 pm

Now that Bush is in the lame duck phase, it is time to answer the really big question:  What will happen on the Bart Cop website after the Inauguration?


Will BC-columnists question President Obama if there isn’t a quick move to try Bush for war crimes? 


What will Bill O’Reilly say if Bush is tried for war crimes?


Would Bill O’Reilly and Dennis Miller be eligible for consideration for less charges such as collaboration? 


Is it time to start writing movie reviews for Bart Cop?


This is more disconcerting and frightening than the Bush era because at least when Bush was pushing the voters around, a columnist knew what had to be done:  Bush-bash over and over until many of the folks finally realized that something was going terribly awry and corrective measures had to be taken.


Would the folks in the USA like a column about the fact that in Australia, a person can buy French Fries from a vending machine?


Maybe George W. Bush will bomb Iran while he is still in office and then the bloggers will have something to discuss.


Stay tuned . . .

Step One, Check

Filed under: Uncategorized — Obi Zen Folksinger @ 4:50 pm

Barry speaks. He thanks every body. He thanks McCain for being actually nice. He thanks his family. He thanks his base in broader terms. (The author finds himself too relieved to be snarky)

Barry is an experianced debater and speaker. He talks of glowing platitudes for the happy masses but kicks in the right code words for the smart people. I’m sure everyone reading BartCop is smart enough to have picked them out. I just wanna out line the high points for everybody else. Team work is paired with sacrifice. Responceablility is paired with accountablility. We must work together as a nation but we all know that there is profit in fear and greed.

Welcome Back

Filed under: Uncategorized — alex @ 4:50 pm


Just a few thoughts as the Americans prepare to shed their status as rogue nation.

First, Barack Obama’s victory is encouraging, but we can’t get too far ahead of ourselves. There are still two and a half months left until Obama’s administration takes power, and the last days of the Bush administration may be particularly ugly. Bush, and others of similar ideology may realize that the next few weeks offer them their last opportunity to do what they’ve always meant to, whether it means launching an attack on Iran, repealing environmental laws, or simply continuing the looting of their country. I expect that they will take all of the lightbulbs and strip the copper wire out of the walls on their way out. With all the attention on the incoming President, we must pay close attention to the last actions of the Bush administration. They have seventy five days or so. I have no doubt that they are capable of at least one more massive betrayal of the rest of us.

Second, having elected Obama, the Americans have taken a huge step towards regaining their credibility as a democracy. If they want to show the world that they are truly back, it is important that they close the concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay, re-instate Habeas Corpus, begin closing out the war in Iraq, and begin taking action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, if they really want to get back in everyone’s good graces, they’ll
prosecute the war criminals who have spent the last eight years pillaging the planet. Let’s have a second Nuremburg Trials! They can try Rove, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz, Gonzales, etc. for crimes against humanity. They can put the proceedings on pay per view and raise millions. The world wants to see the neo-cons where they belong, in prison. If the Americans do this, they could ask the world for anything, maybe even a little bit of debt forgiveness. First though, Obama must convince transportation authorities to ban all flights to Paraguay.

Third, something that really bothered me throughout the campaign was the rhetoric of Sarah Palin. In particular, while touring small towns and racist backwaters, she’d talk about how it was good to be in the “Real America.” I would like to remind everyone that it is the people you saw at the Obama rallies, that mix of young and old, black and white, religious and not, that is the real America. The xenophobes that the McCain campaign pandered to are relics. I am encouraged to see that there are no longer enough of them to give the Republicans victory.

Finally, Obama, for all his charisma and oratory skills, is about to take over the helm of a sinking ship. The mess that he has to clean up is immense, and his hands may be so tied that he may not be able to keep his promises. We must remember to be realistic about just how far the US has fallen. I wouldn’t expect any miracles. At the end of the day, Obama is not a messiah, but a politician. He can’t help but let us down. I hope that everyone cuts him a little slack. I wish him luck, he’s going to need it.

It is good to know that there will soon be new management in Washington. The violent alcoholic, (the guy who ran over your dog with his Hummer) is moving out of the neighbourhood and a nice new family is moving in. Welcome back America. It will be good to once again have a reasonable neighbour.

Ye Olde Scribe’s Post Election Party! Party! Party!

Filed under: Commentary — Ye Olde Scribe @ 4:35 pm

    Pass out da drinks, de big cigars, the Sushi, bob for apples and play pin the crime on Junior and his not so merry band of Juniorettes. Here are a few games we can play…

Name the Past 8 Years

Scribe’s entries…

“End of an Error”
“The Partisanship Plague”

Please feel free to help. This IS a party guldern, horny-swiggle it, by gum! Gum. Oops, two aphrodisiacs caught in Scribe’s gums. So let’s continue to DOUBLE our pleasure, double our fun, by GUM, with…



Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 3:49 pm

I’ve waited 8 long years for this moment in history.  Congratulations to President-elect Obama and to everyone who worked hard to make that happen.  Bart, I sincerely believe that you and your site have made a positive difference over the past 8 years.  My red state flip pledge donation to you will be one check that I am more enthusiastic about writing than any that I have in a long time.

To everyone that reads this blog, it’s easy to breathe a sigh of relief and say it’s over, our team won!  But the truth is that our work has just begun.  A lot of us have worked very hard to get here and a rest is well-deserved.  But there is one real danger now: Complacency.

Even as I write this there are 4 hotly contested Senate seats that are still undecided, one of which I feel is extemely important, the Franken-Coleman contest in Minnesota.  It is important that is decided fairly, with every vote counted.  We have not won enough yet.  Republicans are like cockroaches.  We can set off the bomb, kill the big one and most others, but the next day there are always a few left.  If we don’t finish the job and mop up the stragglers, they will breed again.

There is a lot that needs to be done to fix the mess that this country is in, and we as citizens cannot just sit back and expect our new leaders to do everything without our help or our input.  Now that we got our team in there and that there are people in office that may actually listen to us, we must continue to make our voices heard.  We must continue to be active in politics, let our representatives know what issues are important to us, and not be afraid to speak up if we disagree with anything.  We can never sit back and let what happened in the past 8 years happen again.  If we do, we may not get another chance for change like the one we have now.


Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 1:52 am

He makes this look GOOD

November 4, 2008

McCain Concedes

Filed under: Commentary,News,Opinion,Quote — Obi Zen Folksinger @ 11:54 pm

At twenty minutes past the hour John McCain gave it up. He came out with a very nice speech.  His fans only booed when John called for conciliation and cooperation. Promising to help Barry govern tells us that he’ll be running for re-election for at least one more 6 year term. I’m sure he sees some role for himself in the new paradigm.

I would like to point out that sunny, dry, blistering hot Arizona drags ass in solar energy exploitation. No big solar farms, no solar rebates, no solar manufacturing or installation jobs. There is no oil in Arizona. Why Does John McCain sing “Drill Baby, Drill” when there is more energy that falls on the ground for free all over his nice office in Mesa?

Thanks any way, John. Lets see if the coming investigations into the latest national Republican  economic melt down reveal anything more about Sen. McCain’s involvement in the deregulation of the derivatives market and if it has any impact on his next campaign. Disposing of retirement income is a big part of Arizona’s economy.

Obi Zen Folksinger

CNN Reports 72% of new voters going Obama

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 5:42 pm

That’s to be expected but it’s still great news.

Let’s hope the news is good all night. 

Voting Report

Filed under: Uncategorized — Greg in cheeseland @ 3:38 pm

I just want to make a quick post regarding my voting experience in West Bend, WI.  West Bend is Republican territory.  McCain-Palin lawn signs and bumper stickers outnumber Obama-Biden ones by about 10:1 in West Bend.  The weather here is gorgeous today, 72 degrees and sunny, which is remarkable for this time of the year in cheeseland.  A huge turnout was expected, so I strategically timed my appearance at the polls to beat the morning and evening rushes.  Wisconsin has same day registration and I needed to register before I could vote.

I arrived at the city hall/police department at 1:30.  Parking was more than adequate and entrances were clearly labeled.  I went to the registration area armed with my drivers license and a utility bill, expecting to wait in line.  But there was no wait!  When I expressed my amazement to the clerk, she mentioned that it was busy in the morning and that she expected things to pick up again after 4pm.  I was registered within minutes!

I then went to the ballot line where there was also no wait.  I was provided a paper ballot with ovals to darken with a marker for the selections.  There is no way that card can be misread by either a scanner or human eyes.  Markers and chairs were provided in every cubicle.  I made my selections and even took the time to carefully read through the referendums.  I was then instructed to deposit the ballot in what appeared to be an optical scanner ballot box.  I asked if the ballot had to be deposited in any particular way and the poll worker said it doesn’t matter.  I was back in my car at 1:40.  Mission accomplished!  Total time: less than 10 minutes!

I am sure we are going to hear about long lines and glitches in other parts of the state, especially Milwaukee and Madison.  I have voted before in Greendale, WI, Madison, WI, and Brooklyn, NY, but in GOP West Bend voting was quicker and easier that it ever has been for me.  I wish it could be like this everywhere.  Good luck everyone!

Please post your voting experience in the comments section.  Thanks.

One Day at the ATM

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 2:52 pm

The Matrix has you


Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 2:52 pm


I’ve seen the future and it will be

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 2:52 pm

But they will have sex robots

Craig’s List

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 2:51 pm

Kinky!  I like it!

Camera Phone Voter Verification

Filed under: Commentary,News,Open Thread,Opinion,Quote — Obi Zen Folksinger @ 10:55 am

As I stood in the voting booth this morning(1) I carefully marked every Democrat I could and a Libertarian when I couldn’t.(2)  When I got to the Vote Verification screen I took out my camera phone and my voter card and took a shot.(3)  Viola! Instant vote verification!

Yeah, I shoulda’ thought of this a week ago and made some waves. Why didn’t you think of it?   n’ya!

 Remember! Use the Phone, Luke!

Obi Zen Electorate

  -<( Secret Knowlege)>-

(1) Hey even a grass dealer I know voted the first day of early voting because on my ranting about if.   I just got careless; “Oh, I’m soooo busy!” I think that I may have missed an electrician when I was out today.

(2) Just no Green ticket in Texas. I have an opinion on that

(3) also took one before leaving the house but I can walk to my polling place.

Swashbuckler Endorsement

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 2:45 am

Don’t you worry, never fear…

Last Hopes

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 2:34 am

Hope the bastards don’t steal it

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