
May 7, 2011

D.C. Establishment Does the Usual Obama-Jama on Osama Drama



  1. Then Superman wants to renounce his US Citizenship ’cause it creates conflicts with Iran.

    I’ve never agreed more. President Obama can’t win.

    Comment by db — May 7, 2011 @ 6:08 am

  2. I haven’t read that comic, db, but it’s amazing if true — Superman wants to renounce his citizenship — has DC lost its mind or is kryptonite to blame? (Of course, it could just be a clever marketing ploy — it got us talking about it.)

    Comment by RS Janes — May 9, 2011 @ 4:34 am

  3. Rs,

    I haven’t read the comic either. I was working off the news reports on among others. I tried to ignore the howls from the RW on the issue.

    But how much more fun if Superman “allows” President Obama to remind him of their (shared) Kansas heritage & show the Man of Steel what America REALLY stands for . Then talks him out of the renunciation.

    Comment by db — May 9, 2011 @ 6:29 am

  4. And then he hands him the large pile of bullcrap? ;)

    Comment by RS Janes — May 9, 2011 @ 6:36 pm

  5. That’s the Republican Budget Plan.

    Comment by db — May 12, 2011 @ 5:43 am

  6. LOL, db, that hits the ‘nailed’ on the head.

    Comment by RS Janes — May 13, 2011 @ 2:37 pm

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