
October 27, 2011

The Corporate Nightmare On Occupy Wall Street (Updated)



  1. You’re exactly right. Anything can be commercialized. Look what’s been done to Martin Luther King day.

    Chevron has been running ads touting how much money they put “back into the community”. Makes me want to look up their SEC filings to see the profits, taxes, & executive salaries.

    Comment by db — October 27, 2011 @ 8:46 pm

  2. True, db, and there’s nothing more jarring than hearing some ‘conservative’ who would have hated King when he was alive try to tell us he wouldn’t have been on the side of the current progressives or the OWS Movement. Talk about shameless — even Glenn Beck attempted to board the King train for his own demented purposes.

    Haven’t noticed the Chevron ads yet, but I did see some heave-inducing TV ads from some group I believe was called “Our Energy Together” or something close to that. The point of the ads being Washington regulations were keeping oil, gas, and coal from hiring more Americans. They wanted us to write Obama and urge him to get rid of those nasty rules that prevent them from raping the environment completely. Of course, they didn’t quite put it that way.

    Comment by RS Janes — October 28, 2011 @ 4:11 pm

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