Report: Palin Pressed for “Safety Bear” to be Fired
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sarah Palin was hell bent on the removal of Alaska State Trooper Michael Wooten for divorcing her sister according to the New York Times.
As Mr. Monegan recalls it, the aide said the governor had heard that Trooper Wooten was assigned to work the kickoff to the fair in late August. If so, Mr. Monegan should do something about it, because Ms. Palin was also planning to attend and did not want him nearby.
Somewhat bewildered, Mr. Monegan soon determined that Trooper Wooten had indeed volunteered for duty at the fairgrounds — in full costume as “Safety Bear,” the troopers’ child-friendly mascot.
Yes, Wooten frequently volunteered as the full costumed “Safety Bear,” and Palin wanted to fire the little kids trooper bear. Who is the real Sarah Palin?
LOL, Kerry. It looks like that little girl just to the left of Safety Bear is giving the ‘double finger.’ Perhaps SB told her the bad news that the Wicked Witch of Wasilla was canning him.
Comment by RS Janes — October 14, 2008 @ 5:53 am
Thats a nice touch!
Comment by Rainlander — October 14, 2008 @ 6:58 am
RS I hadn’t noticed it before but it does look like it. Did you see the photo of Palin’s little girl standing in front of her mom giving the dirty digit at the Hockey game? Wonder where one so young learned this??? Mama perhaps?
Nice image for a ‘bornagin xtian mommy’ of the ‘family values’ party! :O)
BTW, did you know that Hockey mommy threw a screaming tizzy when she found out Bristol was PG and kicked her out of the house? She stayed with friends until mommy found out she was being picked to run for VP and then brought her home and you know the rest of the story that developed from there.
Comment by kerry — October 14, 2008 @ 12:07 pm
Am-azing, Kerry, but typical of the McPalin fiasco. What kind of mother puts her little daughter in a hockey jersey to try to deflect booing? Why was her daughter even there?
When does the BM or Obama start covering Palin’s connections to the America-hating Alasa Independence Party and McCain’s relationship to the neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic and racist US Council for World Freedom?
Comment by RS Janes — October 18, 2008 @ 5:03 pm