
February 12, 2010

Sarah Palin: Sheena of the Bungle


January 16, 2010

For Disaster Crap, It’s Pat!


January 6, 2010

The Secret Life of Charles Krauthammer

Click below for the stirring conclusion!


October 26, 2008



Palin’s ‘going rogue,’ McCain aide says

From Dana Bash, Peter Hamby and John King

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (CNN) — With 10 days until Election Day, long-brewing tensions between GOP vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin and key aides to Sen. John McCain have become so intense, they are spilling out in public, sources say. Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin “going rogue.”A Palin associate, however, said the candidate is simply trying to “bust free” of what she believes was a damaging and mismanaged roll-out.McCain sources say Palin has gone off-message several times, and they privately wonder whether the incidents were deliberate. They cited an instance in which she labeled robocalls — recorded messages often used to attack a candidate’s opponent — “irritating” even as the campaign defended their use. Also, they pointed to her telling reporters she disagreed with the campaign’s decision to pull out of Michigan. Video Watch why the campaign is fighting »

A second McCain source says she appears to be looking out for herself more than the McCain campaign.

“She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone,” said this McCain adviser. “She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else.






Anti-war nuns branded as ‘terrorists.’


Sisters Carol Gilbert and Ardeth Platte have been “secretly branded by Maryland State Police as terrorists and placed on a national watch list” due to their participation in anti-war protest activities. They were added to the list after Maryland state police spied on them: “This term terrorist is a really serious accusation,” Sister Ardeth, a nun for 54 years, told The Washington Times on Thursday in the first interview that the women have given since being informed they were among 53 people added to a terrorist watch list in conjunction with an extensive Maryland surveillance effort of antiwar activists.




GOP Site Endorses E-mail Smears, Said ‘Waterboard Obama’

By Sarah Lai Stirland October 15, 2008 | 7:39:16 PM

The website of a local California Republican party has posted a message openly calling for the torture of Barack Obama, while reporting as fact a slew of long-ago debunked smears targeting the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Sacramento County Republican Party hosted a graphic this week comparing Obama to Osama bin Laden, with the caption “The only difference between Obama and Osama is BS,”The Sacramento Bee reports. The text of the graphic adds,  “Waterboard Barack Obama.”

October 25, 2008

The Tattlesnake – Campaigning on the Bizarre B-Side Edition

Was Ashley Todd’s Imaginary Attack a Desperate Rovian Dirty Trick?

Not to be callous, but your slow-on-the-draw Tattler admits that when he first heard, partially awake, on the radio that someone named Ashley Todd was assaulted by a tall black man in Pittsburgh because she had a McCain sticker on her car, and the added fillip that the alleged attacker had ‘carved a B on her cheek,’ I thought the announcer was talking about the insect, as in, ‘he inscribed a BEE on her cheek,’ and a surreal mental scenario followed that featured an angry tattoo artist yelling, “Hey, c’mon you, hold still while I finish this wing!”

The story seemed a little suspicious from the git-go and Thom Hartmann noted on his radio show Friday that the ‘B’ was backwards, the way someone not-too-bright and looking in a mirror would sketch a ‘B’ on her cheek.

Later in the day, after John McCain and Sarah Palin had rushed to the phones to offer their condolences to the 20-year-old Texas Republican, Ashley confessed that she had invented the whole lurid tale – it was a tasteless hoax, apparently designed to make Obama supporters, and particularly those of the large black male variety, look bad.

Aside from the hideous Susan Smith aspect to the false charge, and the chance that the Pittsburgh police might have commenced a wholesale harassment of black men to find the nonexistent perpetrator, McCain and Palin’s haste to involve themselves in the incident bespeaks two things: a.) They were trying to make political hay out of this young woman’s misfortune, which calls into question their judgment or b.) The McCain campaign was somehow in on the deal, which paints them as over-the-edge con artists.

Todd had worked for the College Republican National Committee in New York, and recently moved to Pennsylvania to act as a full-time McCain-Palin volunteer on behalf of the group. (The College Republicans are the same organization that spawned such upstanding GOP choirboys as Jack Abramoff, Karl Rove and Ralph Reed.)

As yet, there is no evidence that the McCain campaign was directly involved, but it wouldn’t be hard to imagine the impact that the ugly tableau of a fiendish black male sexually attacking a young white lady might have on rural Caucasians in Pennsylvania, a state McCain must win in order to have any shot at the presidency. Joe the Plumber move over, here comes the Scary Obama-Supporting Black Sexual Predator.

Under-the-radar rumors of creepy McCainiacs trying to goad Obama voters into violence while media cameras are present have been floating around recently, the invective particularly aimed at inciting dark-skinned Obamaites, but not much has come of it up to now except some of the demented Starboard Side of the Blogosphere typically and perversely whining about those mean lefties trying to smack down Republicans who wave around McCain-Palin signs in public. (Yep – from the same crowd that counts among its ‘base’ tolerant sophisticates who shout “Kill him!” and “Traitor!” at McPalin academic retreats.)

As the always effervescent-with-bile Michelle Malkin elucidates: “The Obamedia diaper-wetters are gripped with fear over a few over-the-line catcalls at McCain-Palin rallies.”

Uh, it’s not just a ‘few over-the-line catcalls’ at the downhome Bund affairs; it’s a river of right-wing effluvium oozing endlessly from the TV screen, computer monitor and radio speaker, as well. (And Michelle herself could use a mirror.)


October 23, 2008



Palin Outfits Cost RNC* $150K

McCain opted for public financing. Now all the poor Republicans can see where their tax dollars are going.

*  Public financing means that all tax payers Democrats and Republicans contributed to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe, jewelry, hair and makeup as well as for Mr. Mom Dude and baby!

By Juliet Eilperin
The Republican National Committee has spent more than $150,000 on clothing, accessories and makeup for GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her relatives since John McCain selected her as his running mate, according to federal election records.


October 17, 2008




Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — kerry @ 1:02 pm




October 15, 2008

Palin called Troopergate guy 36 times


Which is 30 times more than you called

your ex last weekend

Alaska’s Legislative Council is currently meeting over the scandal known as “Troopergate” to determine if vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin did anything improper in firing public safety commissioner Walt Monegan. Critics say the firing was merely revenge for Monegan’s refusal to dismiss a trooper named Mike Wooten, with whom Palin’s sister had a rather acrimonious child custody battle two years earlier.

Seems that Sarah Palin was nothing if not persistent. New evidence in the case shows that Palin’s office contacted Monegan 36 times over 19 months in an effort to force Wooten’s dismissal. Even worse, only a handful of those calls were drunk dials.

What was discussed during those 36 phone calls? We’re not sure, but we can take a guess. After the jump, our own version of the telephone drama between Monegan and Sarah Palin.

A MUST SEE!!!  @

October 13, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — kerry @ 9:46 pm


Report: Palin Pressed for “Safety Bear” to be Fired

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah Palin was hell bent on the removal of Alaska State Trooper Michael Wooten for divorcing her sister according to the New York Times.

As Mr. Monegan recalls it, the aide said the governor had heard that Trooper Wooten was assigned to work the kickoff to the fair in late August. If so, Mr. Monegan should do something about it, because Ms. Palin was also planning to attend and did not want him nearby.


October 12, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — kerry @ 3:11 pm


Neither John McCain nor his running mate Sarah Palin is capable of running a large business, one of the Republican presidential candidate’s top economic advisors said Tuesday.(AFP/File/Robyn Beck)

October 9, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — kerry @ 11:23 pm


October 8, 2008





Execs’ posh retreat after bailout angers lawmakers

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer Tue Oct 7, 10:57 PM ET

WASHINGTON – Days after it got a federal bailout, American International Group Inc. spent $440,000 on a posh California retreat for its executives, complete with spa treatments, banquets and golf outings, according to lawmakers investigating the company’s meltdown.

AIG sent its executives to the coastal St. Regis resort south of Los Angeles even as the company tapped into an $85 billion loan from the government it needed to stave off bankruptcy. The resort tab included $23,380 worth of spa treatments for AIG employees, according to invoices the resort turned over to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


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