
December 5, 2009

The Teabagger Movie — Political Porn and It’s No Joke!


Here’s the trailer from YouTube:

“…[T]he premiere was sponsored by FreedomWorks, an organization chaired by [Dick] Armey that’s known as an astroturfing outfit for its campaign to foment discontent among those regular citizens nationwide. FreedomWorks was instrumental in orchestrating the disruption of town-hall meetings on health care reform called by members of Congress during the August recess. (You can find the FreedomWorks town-hall action kit here in a PDF file; this famous memo [PDF] on how to disrupt a town-hall meeting was distributed by the Tea Party Patriots Google Groups listserv, which was managed at the time by FreedomWorks … Florida State Chairman Tom Gaitens.
“Also involved in creating our summer of discontent was Americans For Prosperity, whose consultant, Joel Aaron Foster, wrote the script for the Tea Party documentary, and is listed as the press contact on the movie media kit [PDF]. Throughout the film, AFP’s ubiquitous ‘Hands Off My Health-Care’ signs, which feature a bloody handprint, bob up and down at Tea Party rallies.”
– From “‘Tea Party: The Documentary’ — Attending a Bizarre Movie Premiere for Right-Wingers in Washington,” Adele M. Stan, AlterNet, Dec. 4, 2009.

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