
March 11, 2012

Laughable Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory to Excuse Rush Limbaugh’s Attack on Sandra Fluke


August 22, 2010

Christopublican Science Facts with Dr. I.M. Wrightman


January 6, 2010

The Secret Life of Charles Krauthammer

Click below for the stirring conclusion!


December 5, 2009

The Teabagger Movie — Political Porn and It’s No Joke!


Here’s the trailer from YouTube:

“…[T]he premiere was sponsored by FreedomWorks, an organization chaired by [Dick] Armey that’s known as an astroturfing outfit for its campaign to foment discontent among those regular citizens nationwide. FreedomWorks was instrumental in orchestrating the disruption of town-hall meetings on health care reform called by members of Congress during the August recess. (You can find the FreedomWorks town-hall action kit here in a PDF file; this famous memo [PDF] on how to disrupt a town-hall meeting was distributed by the Tea Party Patriots Google Groups listserv, which was managed at the time by FreedomWorks … Florida State Chairman Tom Gaitens.
“Also involved in creating our summer of discontent was Americans For Prosperity, whose consultant, Joel Aaron Foster, wrote the script for the Tea Party documentary, and is listed as the press contact on the movie media kit [PDF]. Throughout the film, AFP’s ubiquitous ‘Hands Off My Health-Care’ signs, which feature a bloody handprint, bob up and down at Tea Party rallies.”
– From “‘Tea Party: The Documentary’ — Attending a Bizarre Movie Premiere for Right-Wingers in Washington,” Adele M. Stan, AlterNet, Dec. 4, 2009.

October 19, 2009

Teabaggers: The Useful Idiots of the Right


June 13, 2009

The Right-Wing Hate Machine


November 2, 2008

The Bill of Wrongs

Filed under: Commentary — Tags: , , , — bobman1234 @ 7:42 pm

What the Fox is wrong with Bill O’Reilly?

If Joseph Goebbels  and Joseph McCarthy had a kid together, it would definitely be Bill O’Reilly.


May 18, 2008

The Republican Base Gets Acquainted With Their Nominee…

Filed under: Toon — Tags: , , , , , , — Volt @ 8:03 am

March 2, 2008

Frank Rich: McCain Channels His Inner Hillary

Filed under: Commentary — Tags: , , , , , — Volt @ 3:07 am

Frank Rich, The New York Times, March 2, 2008

Before they were sidetracked into a new war against The New York Times, the Rush Limbaugh posse had it right about John McCain. He is a double agent. Some Democrats do admire and like him. So does Jon Stewart, and so do many liberal editorial boards and card-carrying hacks in the mainstream American press. So, in fact, do many at The Times, including myself. As long as I don’t look too hard at the fine print.

You’ve got to love a guy who said a few years ago that he regretted likening Mr. Limbaugh to “a circus clown” because of all the complaints from circus clowns insulted by the comparison. “I would like to extend my apologies to Bozo, Chuckles and Krusty,” Senator McCain told a rather startled Neil Cavuto of Fox News.

What’s more, Ann Coulter and Tom DeLay aren’t entirely wrong when they bluster that a vote for Mr. McCain amounts to a vote for Hillary Clinton (or, for that matter, Barack Obama). The Arizona senator’s otherwise conservative record is closer to the Democrats on immigration, campaign-finance reform, stem-cell research, global warming, oil drilling in Alaska, waterboarding, Gitmo and, until a recent flip-flop, the Bush tax cuts. In The New Republic, Jonathan Chait concluded that Mr. McCain’s Senate votes made him “the most effective advocate of the Democratic agenda in Washington” during the first Bush term.

All of which should make Democrats more nervous than the clowns of the hard right. Might Mr. McCain so blur distinctions that he could grab enough independents to triumph? He won even among antiwar and anti-Bush voters in New Hampshire. A Mason-Dixon poll last week found Mr. McCain beating either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton in must-win Florida.

The good news for the Democrats so far is that whatever Mr. McCain’s sporadic overlap with liberals, he is emulating almost identically the suicidal Clinton campaign against Mr. Obama. He has mimicked Mrs. Clinton’s message and rhetorical style, her tone-deaf contempt for Mr. Obama’s cultural appeal, and her complete misreading of just how politically radioactive the war in Iraq remains despite its migration from the front page.

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