
August 3, 2008

McCain Doublethinks His Position On Taxes – Again

George Orwell, Meet John McCain – He’s Somewhere Over There in That Pile of Horse Pucky – Oh, Wait, I Mean Over There…

“They call him Flipper, Flipper, he flops faster than lightning, no one you see, changes quicker than he…”
– Paraphrased from the lyrics to the “Flipper” TV show theme.

Weren’t taxes the only issue McCain hasn’t flipped like a steelhead out of water on – I mean for a year or so anyway. Then, within a week, the old codpiece flips to “nothing’s off the table” regarding taxes and then flops back to “I won’t” raise taxes. Sweet Cheesus on a Ritz cracker, I need a neck-brace.

Hasn’t Cap’n McNasty set some kind of land-speed record for political flip-flops by now?

As George Zornick clarifies at Altercation August 1st:


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