
October 16, 2007 Volume 2056 – Impeach Pelosi?

Filed under: BartCop Page — Chicago Jim @ 12:32 pm Volume 2056 – Impeach Pelosi?. Volume 2056 - Impeach Pelosi? Top toon Dope-a-mean

In Today’s Tequila Treehouse…

Arrow Smearing Al Gore HOT
Arrow Attack on Hillary HOT
Arrow A Wife’s Battle
Arrow Putin: Lay Off Iran HOT
Arrow Media Censorship 
Arrow Big-time Fascists Fight
Arrow What Did Pelosi Know? 
Arrow How Hillary could tank 
Arrow Jessica Alba single 

The Costs of Illegal Immigration

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 9:43 am

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.


The Tattlesnake — Dirty Sanchez Comes Clean and Other Head Rattlers Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion,Uncategorized — RS Janes @ 8:55 am

– US Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the one-time senior commander and Voice of Bush in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004, has now dubbed Junior’s War in Iraq “a nightmare with no end in sight” and echoed what us liberal kooks have been saying for years — the dumbo Bush Team is incompetent to fight a war and Iraq is a “catastrophic failure.” He dropped the cherry on top by drubbing the Bush chickenhawks as “derelict in their duties” and consumed with a “lust for power,” then added, “continued manipulations and adjustments to our military strategy will not achieve victory.” He also told the Agence France-Presse in June that the best we could hope for in Iraq was a stalemate.

Thank you, General, but us fringe anti-war moonbats (now in the majority, according to every poll) knew that already — the war was lost in 2003 when the Iraqi people figured out that the US didn’t give a damn what happened to them and it was all about oil, money, and politically advantageous photo-ops for the Bush Regime. Hello to the new boss, just like the old boss.


Dem Doormats

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 8:55 am

Dem doormats

To quote Bart:

“If the Democrats had any balls or brains…and should I even bother to finish this sentence?”

No, Bart. No sense finishing that sentence.

October 15, 2007

David Sirota: Tyranny Of The Tiny Minority

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 11:44 pm

David Sirota, Creators Syndicate, September 28, 2007

Wondering why Congress rarely passes anything the public wants? Then grab Thomas Geoghegan’s 1999 memoir, “The Secret Lives of Citizens.”

The book shows that, like the Da Vinci Code, the answers to such important questions are often out in the open, encrypted only by our inability to step back and see them. And when you crack this particular mystery about Congress, you learn not only why Washington is paralyzed, but also where to look for domestic progress, and how stopping bills – rather than passing them – is probably the only way to end the Iraq war right now.


Radiohead brightens our day with In Rainbows

Filed under: Music Review — N @ 2:55 pm

Radiohead are a band. What’s that you say? You knew this all along. Well, I was beginning to wonder if the computer from OK Computer had taken over in the wake of Kid A and Hail To The Thief. With the release of In Rainbows, however, it is clear that Radiohead are a band and a damn fine one at that.

Radiohead has always been a group that seemed like it had something to prove. After hitting it large with The Bends and OK Computer the band decided to test our loyalties with the experimental albums Kid A and Amnesiac. These two albums made me begin to wonder if the computer had taken over. Don’t get me wrong I like both those albums, but I missed the rest of the band. Fortunately, with In Rainbows the band is back.


Roadmap for peace

Filed under: Uncategorized — Twisted_Colour @ 1:54 pm

Israel grabs land prior to US talks

 THE Israeli army has ordered the seizure of Palestinian land surrounding four West Bank villages apparently in order to hugely expand settlements around Jerusalem.

That’s what I like about the Israelis – always thinkin’,  and this should be a real problem solver.  I’ll bet hordes of Palestinian school children are already gathering flowers for the Israeli troops and penning letters of gratitude to Ehud Olmert.

A Truly Incredible, if Small, Example of Media Censorship

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion,Uncategorized — RS Janes @ 10:51 am

CNBC Admits It Removed the Results of an ‘Unscientific’ Post-Debate Call In Poll Because There Were Too Many Votes for Ron Paul

As small potatoes as this is, it reflects the larger corporate media bias against any candidate the Big Media haven’t anointed as acceptable.

Whatever flaws Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) may have, he is the only GOP candidate for president who embodies classic Goldwater libertarian conservativism, as opposed to the other eight Republican candidates who are all committed, in varying degrees, to the prevailing Bush neoconservative ‘Unitary Executive’ ideology. Paul is sadly unique in this group in that he actually cites the US Constitution the other Republican candidates for president routinely ignore, especially in the area of making war and defending individual civil liberties. As a commenter at Common Dreams recently noted, a President Ron Paul would end three of our most needless and wasteful wars, that being the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and Drugs, and honor his oath of office to protect and uphold the rights of the individual against the excesses of a bloated and intrusive government, as required by the Constitution.


Paul Krugman:Gore Derangement Syndrome

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 9:47 am


Paul Krugman, The New York Times, October 15, 2007

On the day after Al Gore shared the Nobel Peace Prize, The Wall Street Journal’s editors couldn’t even bring themselves to mention Mr. Gore’s name. Instead, they devoted their editorial to a long list of people they thought deserved the prize more.

And at National Review Online, Iain Murray suggested that the prize should have been shared with “that well-known peace campaigner Osama bin Laden, who implicitly endorsed Gore’s stance.” You see, bin Laden once said something about climate change — therefore, anyone who talks about climate change is a friend of the terrorists.

What is it about Mr. Gore that drives right-wingers insane?

Partly it’s a reaction to what happened in 2000, when the American people chose Mr. Gore but his opponent somehow ended up in the White House. Both the personality cult the right tried to build around President Bush and the often hysterical denigration of Mr. Gore were, I believe, largely motivated by the desire to expunge the stain of illegitimacy from the Bush administration.

And now that Mr. Bush has proved himself utterly the wrong man for the job — to be, in fact, the best president Al Qaeda’s recruiters could have hoped for — the symptoms of Gore derangement syndrome have grown even more extreme.

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October 14, 2007

Bill Maher: American Flag Pins Are For Idiots

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 4:19 pm

Bill Maher, CommonDreams, October 13, 2007

Show me a man wearing an American flag pin in his lapel, and I’ll show you an asshole. I’m sure there are exceptions, but in general people need to remember that lapels aren’t for wearing pins to create the illusion that you’re supporting the troops. They’re for wearing ribbons to create the illusion that you’re helping cure a disease.

Last week we had the first genuine controversy of the presidential campaign: the shocking news that Barack Obama doesn’t wear an American flag lapel pin, so apparently he and America are no longer going steady. “No lapel pin, Senator? It’s like not wearing pants. Why don’t you just stab the Statue of Liberty in the eye while bitch-slapping a 9/11 widow?” Another in a series of bullshit non-stories that have zero effect on the troops, the war or anything in the real world – or, as Fox calls it, “Breaking News.”

A reporter in Iowa asked Obama why he doesn’t wear the pin and Obama explained that, to him, wearing the pin had come to seem like a “substitute for true patriotism.” Bravo, Senator. And then, in yet another shining example of why the media is part of the problem, ABC’s Claire Shipman said, – TMI, too much information” all he had to say was, ‘Don’t judge me by what I wear, move on.’ He played into the idea that he’s not ready for prime time.”

What, schoolgirl? “Too much information?” What is she, 12? This is typical press hypocrisy ” they say they want somebody who doesn’t give pat political answers, but when they get one, they call him a loser. They say they don’t like safe robots like Hillary, but they create conditions where only that species can survive. And they give cover to people like Sean Hannity, who reported on “no pin” gate and then had to call a doctor because his fake outrage hard-on lasted longer than 72 hours.

Of course, the Republicans are the party of Mark Foley and the Rev. Ted Haggard and Larry Craig and countless other closeted homosexuals, so their fixation on jewelry is understandable, but still … the flag is just a symbol. You’re getting pissy about a brooch, you drama queens, one that was probably made in China. It’s probably leaking poison lead on you right now.

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Remind Me Again

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 4:17 pm

Lindsay Roberts Denies a Fondness for Boy Toys

Filed under: News — Volt @ 4:11 pm

April Marciszewski, The Tulsa World, October 14, 2007

Oral Roberts University and its president’s wife, Lindsay Roberts, issued written statements Saturday saying that claims and accusations added to a lawsuit Friday are untrue.

A report attached to the lawsuit Friday contains allegations that Roberts, 51, spent a great deal of time with an underage male.

“I live my life in a morally upright manner and throughout my marriage have never, ever engaged in any sexual behavior with any man outside of my marriage as the accusations imply,” Roberts said in her statement.

“Allegations against me in a lawsuit yesterday are not true. They sicken me to my soul,” she said.

The lawsuit, as amended Friday, also added ORU’s board of regents as a defendant and contained a new legal claim that the board had neglected to oversee, authorize and supervise the conduct of the defendants ORU, President Richard Roberts and university administrators Mark Lewandowski, Wendy Shirk and Jeff Ogle, as evidenced by those parties allegedly
allowing a “convicted sexual deviant unrestricted access to the students of the university” as a “mentor” hired by Richard Roberts to work with students.

A written statement attributed to the university says, “The allegations that the university employed a sexual deviant are untrue.”

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October 12, 2007

Bill Maher: Idiocracy

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 8:15 pm

Bill Maher, The Huffington Post, October 12, 2007

Have too many Americans become gullible, ill-informed idiots who have elevated feelings over facts and replaced critical thinking with a blind sense of trust for authority? I’m not trying to be insulting here; I’m just trying to figure out Rudy Giuliani’s poll numbers.

Four years ago Tucker Carlson asked Britney Spears on CNN, “A lot of entertainers have come out against the war in Iraq. Have you?” And Britney, who was chewing gum throughout the entire interview, answered, “Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens.”

It’s this kind of head-in-the-sand, free rein granted to those believed to be in a position of moral authority that has led to warrantless wiretapping, torture, and a $6.1 million judgment for a Kentucky McDonald’s employee named Louise Ogborn. In 2004, Louise was 18 and working at McDonald’s when her assistant manager Donna called her into the back office, said a police officer on the phone had identified her as a thief, and then forced Louise, under the “cop’s” orders, to strip naked, do nude jumping jacks, submit to a spanking and finally perform oral sex on Donna’s 43-year-old exterminator fiancé. The whole ordeal, ordered by a prankster over the phone, lasted three hours. But you know what they say about fast-food work — the time flies when you’re busy.

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Revised Lawsuit Against Oral Roberts University Makes New Allegations

Filed under: News — Volt @ 7:14 pm

Michael Wyke, The Tulsa World, October 12, 2007

Three former Oral Roberts University professors have amended their lawsuit against the school, and have included an internal report detailing allegations against ORU President Richard Roberts, his wife and others.

The new suit adds a new defendant to the case — the ORU regents — and two new allegation, negligence and civil conspiracy.
Oral Roberts University officials, including President Richard Roberts, declined to comment afterhours on Friday because they had not seen the amended lawsuit, a spokesman said.

The new suit includes a new allegation that Richard Roberts and ORU gave ”a convicted sexual deviant unrestricted access to the students of the university.”

The suit doesn’t identify the person, but says that prior to his association with the school he had confessed to crimes in Tulsa, Tulsa County and Payne County.

”All three allegations of sexually-deviant conduct resulted in convictions,” the suit says.

The person was hired at the direct personal instruction and under the supervision of Richard Roberts, the suit says.

The person, identified as a ”Mentor” for ORU students, ”confessed to the facts regarding exposing himself to a fifteen year old boy in a school locker room,” the suit says.

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Paul Krugman: Sliming Graeme Frost

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 5:01 pm

Paul Krugman, The New York Times, October 12, 2007

Two weeks ago, the Democratic response to President Bush’s weekly radio address was delivered by a 12-year-old, Graeme Frost. Graeme, who along with his sister received severe brain injuries in a 2004 car crash and continues to need physical therapy, is a beneficiary of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Mr. Bush has vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have expanded that program to cover millions of children who would otherwise have been uninsured.

What followed should serve as a teaching moment.

First, some background. The Frosts and their four children are exactly the kind of people S-chip was intended to help: working Americans who can’t afford private health insurance.

The parents have a combined income of about $45,000, and don’t receive health insurance from employers. When they looked into buying insurance on their own before the accident, they found that it would cost $1,200 a month — a prohibitive sum given their income. After the accident, when their children needed expensive care, they couldn’t get insurance at any price.

Fortunately, they received help from Maryland’s S-chip program. The state has relatively restrictive rules for eligibility: children must come from a family with an income under 200 percent of the poverty line. For families with four children that’s $55,220, so the Frosts clearly qualified.

Graeme Frost, then, is exactly the kind of child the program is intended to help. But that didn’t stop the right from mounting an all-out smear campaign against him and his family.

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Alright, which one of you is responsible for this? – The Grim

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 3:31 pm
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