
June 11, 2012

The Bane of Boehner


September 9, 2011

Obama Goes ‘Full Denzel’ on the Hapless GOP


August 7, 2011

Boehner’s Pets Aren’t Housebroken


June 30, 2011

Eric Cantor as the ‘OMGodfather’


March 25, 2010

GOP’s Split-Personality is Going to Tear Them Apart


“Federal Govt. Involved in Raids on [RNC] Protestors”
– Glenn Greenwald, Aug. 31, 2008,

“Framing the RNC 8″
– Sam Stoker, In These Times, Oct. 8, 2008

“Meet the RNC Eight: Are They Terrorists?”
– Sharon Schmickle,, April 6, 2009

May 17, 2009

Yes We Cantor! GOP: No We Can’t!

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion,Toon — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — RS Janes @ 5:40 pm


May 5, 2009

While GOP Lite Dithers, the Queen, Like an Asp, Lays in Wait

News item from CNN, “Republicans Kick Off Campaign to Shine Party Image,” Rebecca Sinderbrand, May 2, 2009:

“Three prominent GOP leaders [Jeb "Not Another" Bush, Eric "The Turd Polisher" Cantor and Mitt "Yawn on Steroids" Romney] kicked off a campaign Saturday to reshape their party’s image ["Message: we're new and we care!"], gathering at a restaurant [the Pie-Tanza, a strip-mall pizza place] in northern Virginia for the first of a series of town hall meetings.

“The goal of the initiative, called the National Council for a New America [a Wonder-bread yuppie version of PNAC], is to connect Republican leaders with voters across the country to help get the party’s electoral fortunes back on track [by imitating Hillary Clinton's listening tours and Barack Obama's town hall meetings].”


“Is this just an event put together to look soft-focus and smiley for the national media? After all, they are holding it just right outside of DC and not in the heartland of America where they SAY these meetings will be focused.

“All signs are currently pointing to just another photo op in place of actual policy initiative and new ideas.”
– From “NCNA Meets, Will It Learn Anything?”

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