
November 17, 2008

Ain’t No Marijuana

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — Tags: , , , — Obi Zen Folksinger @ 10:48 pm

Happy Monday! Welcome back to our show.

I see El Bart has posted one of his favorite rants, “The Marijuana Trick”. You’ll find it a fun read and a comprehensive catalogue of the uses of Hemp. For some really amazing stuff you should stop by “”, home page of The Hemp Industries Association. Find out that hemp seed porridge was called The Food of Kings and that hemp contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are important for brain cell development in unborn babies.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that There Ain’t No Marijuana!

Cannabis, Hemp and Reefer

Prior to the great marijuana scares of the drug war there was no marijuana. Cannabis was available at the pharmacy. Hemp was paint products and canvas. People who smoked reefers were called Vipers. Marijuana makes you violently insane and addicts you for life.

There are things that will do these things to you. Alcohol has a history of violence, insanity and wretched addiction. Datura leaves can cause brain damage if you breathe the smoke from them. There is no such thing as marijuana.


October 16, 2008

The Tattlesnake – The End of McCain’s Campaign and the Reagan Revolution Edition

The Final McCain-Obama Debate: Small-Idea Republicans, Narrow Minds, and Big GOP Government for the Wealthy Come Out the Loser

I intentionally watched this debate without taking any notes, and with a female friend who, although she supports Obama, has a small business that serves mostly white, middle-class clients, only one of whom actively supports McCain. I wanted her small-business-owner perspective, as well as how she thought her clients would react to McCain and Obama’s final go-round before the election.

What follows, then, is an ‘emotional’ reaction to the debate and, keep in mind, all quotes are paraphrased from memory, so they may not be verbatim:

Right out of the box, McCain didn’t do well, looking somewhat confused as he repeated some form of the word ‘anger’ about eight times – was he describing the electorate or himself?

McCain’s only good line of the night — the thing about “I’m not George W. Bush – if you wanted to run against him you should have run four years ago” – will be replayed endlessly by the Punditocracy but, overall, had little impact. Far more important were the typical ‘Republican honcho’ attitudes he displayed about women’s health care and jobs. (More about that later.)

Will McCain finally put the Ayers nonsense to rest? He seemed to be saying he didn’t care about ‘washed-up ’60s radical’ Ayers, but will he tell Sarah Barracuda to stop inflaming crowds with Obama’s tenuous connection to the man? At this point, if he continues to use Ayers to bash Obama, he’s going to look like the biggest jerk in the country, but that doesn’t seem to faze him anymore, so perhaps he will. Throughout the debate, McCain just couldn’t keep McNasty from emerging from the depths of his psyche, which is going to cost him this election.

McCain also veered into Captain Queeg territory several times, and we were waiting for him to produce metal ball bearings from his pocket. As well as repeating ‘anger’ robotically, later he also puzzlingly started trashing Obama for something having to do with vets and their families at his rallies – neither Obama nor his campaign ever said a word about vets or their families at McCain events, so what was he babbling about? Then there was his attempted slam of Obama over Supreme Court nominees wherein he seemed to say that Obama voted against Justice Stephen Breyer, although Obama wasn’t in the US Senate when Breyer was up for the Court. In these lapses McCain just appeared to be a confused old crank, if not actually senile.


March 19, 2008

The Tattlesnake — Random Humor, Tumor Rumors and Fat Scat Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — Tags: , , , — RS Janes @ 5:52 pm

– If you want Republicans to vote for universal health care or anything else beneficial for the average American, just name the bill the Investigating Domestic Instigators, Objectors and Terrorists (IDIOT) act and it will sail through Congress. Make the bill thick and wordy enough and you can guarantee no Republican will ever read it past the title.

– The Republican Constitution and Bill of Rights: The GOP is drafting its own Constitution and Bill of Rights in Cheney’s private bunker. However, to protect national security, since Islamofascist terrorists and other enemy combatants might find some loophole like habeas corpus or due process to defend themselves in court, its exact contents will be classified and kept from the public. So, you’ll still have your Constitutional rights, you just won’t know what they are!


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