
November 17, 2008

Ain’t No Marijuana

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — Tags: , , , — Obi Zen Folksinger @ 10:48 pm

Happy Monday! Welcome back to our show.

I see El Bart has posted one of his favorite rants, “The Marijuana Trick”. You’ll find it a fun read and a comprehensive catalogue of the uses of Hemp. For some really amazing stuff you should stop by “”, home page of The Hemp Industries Association. Find out that hemp seed porridge was called The Food of Kings and that hemp contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are important for brain cell development in unborn babies.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that There Ain’t No Marijuana!

Cannabis, Hemp and Reefer

Prior to the great marijuana scares of the drug war there was no marijuana. Cannabis was available at the pharmacy. Hemp was paint products and canvas. People who smoked reefers were called Vipers. Marijuana makes you violently insane and addicts you for life.

There are things that will do these things to you. Alcohol has a history of violence, insanity and wretched addiction. Datura leaves can cause brain damage if you breathe the smoke from them. There is no such thing as marijuana.


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