“A Card for You”- “Virtual Card For You”-or “Postcard” Virus Warning-Fiction!
Summary of the eRumor
The eRumor warns of a virus just discovered by Mcafee and classed by Microsoft as the most destructive ever.
It says the virus destroys “Sector Zero” from the heard disk, sends itself to all the names in your email address book, wipes out the hard disk, and has caused a panic in New York, according to CNN.
It says that the subject will be “A Card for You”, “Virtual Card for You”, or “Postcard.”
The Truth
This email is a hoax.
It has circulated continuously on the Internet since at least 2001.
There is no known virus called “A card for you” or “A virtual card for you.”
In July, 2007, someone added “Postcard” to the story and said that it had been verified as a true virus.
It is true that there was a virus that appeared in the summer of 2007 with a subject line of: “You’ve received a postcard from a family member.” There were several other variations of the subject line that talked about a “card” or a “greeting card.” But that virus had nothing to do with this false warning about “A card for you” or “A virtual card for you” and the warning that CNN had termed it the worst virus ever.
Neither Microsoft nor McAfee has had anything to say about it except that it is a hoax.
The CNN part of the eRumor was added by someone along the way.