I’d told someone Tuesday afternoon that if John McCain didn’t concede by 11pm we would be in a civil war. Probably starting out real low key but a civil war all the same. Early reports of machine problems in Virginia and Pennsylvania seemed to merely make everyone grit their teeth a little tighter.
First it was Ohio and then it was New Mexico. It felt like a knot eased somewhere in the back of my neck. The numbers were there for all to see.
Split Post With More
Once the polls had closed in Arizona McCain had his speech ready to load on the prompter screen. It was obvious that the machine had failed. Hundreds of thousands of hard working Americans purged from voting rolls had not been enough. Disenfranchising one fifth of the registered Democrats in the state of Colorado had not been enough. John McCain is nothing if not gracious in defeat. He has a lot of practice being pathetic enough to be let back in the house, much less the Senate.
Barry “Hay-sus” O’Bama, President-Elect of these here United States, knows how to give a speech like a winner. He wasn’t just a community organizer. He was a trial lawyer who defended “Widders and Orfuns”. Young Barry wasn’t an affirmative action student at Harvard. He was recruited and offered scholarships. He was elected Captain of the Debate team because he brought home the gold. The finest speechwriters crafted a Winged Victory for those who had fought so hard and Barry made it fly. The sing-a-long parts were impromptu.
Wednesday morning you could sign the petition at ImpeachObama.org. A comment at Fox “News” suggested holding a parade. On November 22. In Dallas. He offered to rent a convertible and give Barry a driving tour of the new condos where the old School Book Depository used to stand. Half of the Republican House has a clear mandate from their constituency to stand firmly athwart any attempt to improve the lives of their children. The party’s hardly over and we’ve got possums in the trash.
Al Franken is keeping his staff and volunteers laughing to the point of tears even as they over see the hand recount against Norm Coleman (R – Corrupt). Up to one hundred thousand votes may be missing in Alaska. Caribou Barbie can’t replace convicted Republican Senator Ted Steavens if he’s not in the office. This great battle still has skirmishes. Beyond lies the War.
For the purposes of this essay anyone who impedes lawful government function for either money or morals is considered to be corrupt. That’s just to be clear when we get to “Corrupt Appointees”. When the videotapes of Mike Brown’s teleconference with Shrub were finally released, many were struck by the terror on Brown’s face. After trying to reach his hero for an entire day Brown finds himself trying not to scream at the person he thought would save his unprepared ass. Shrub nods in disinterest as his loyal crony tries not to panic. Public displays are a sign of weakness. Any weakness is treated as fatal. Mike Brown looks at Shrubs glazed gaze and sees his own doom.
A Civil Rights Division that hasn’t pursued a single civil rights case in seven years will have to be addressed. Tourism Coordinators will need to be combed out of our National Parks. Religious ideologues will be asked to relinquish control of Scientific Thought. Munitions Industries probably shouldn’t be conducting Foreign Policy. We spent several decades in the late 1800’s breaking up large corporate monopolies that were killing small businesses. Hank Paulson just financed the mass forced leverage of all but three national banks. Hank sits on the board of all three banks.
The Drug Tzar is required by the mandate of his office to tell any lie to keep all forms of Cannabis Hemp bound by criminal law. The executive directorate of the DEA has twice ignored the advice of it’s own Legal Judge to stop busting for pot. Nine out of Ten Hemp issues passed and one major anti-legalization measure was defeated. Barry says that he will not contradict any states’ laws in this matter. We will have to do the actual work of ending the raids.
War Crimes, Warrantless Wiretapping of Anti-War Nuns, Enron, Swiftboats, Email Archives, Phone Jamming, Nigerian Yellow Cake, Fake News, Over-Nighters W/ Gay Hooker, Mission Accomplished, Neck Rubs, “Just a God Damned Piece Of Paper!”, (my stomach starts to get queasy – OZF)
Bill Clinton was sworn in on a Tuesday. Republicans met to plan how to take him down on Wednesday. There will be no “100 Days” for President Barry. There will be no spirit of cooperation. The nonstop barrage of legislative napalm that prevented anything getting done for the last two years will seem like summer rain compared to the under backstabbing about to be unleashed.
The remaining actual conservatives will be sweating blood to do the important work of keeping this great nation free; Goldwater bless ‘em all. They will have the hard job of getting things done so they can get re-elected in ’10 and ’12 while resisting the dominionists and the Silver Shirts hollering for blood.
Getting rid of DHS will be like puling teeth. Americans, of course, don’t have need of a “Homeland”. We have a Nation.
Meanwhile, winking fascists file to run for the school board just so they can ban books. They hate America.
”But our present “state” is the dictatorship of evil. “Oh, we’ve known that for a long time,” I hear you object, “and it isn’t necessary to bring that to our attention again.” But, I ask you, if you know that, why do you not bestir yourselves, why do you allow these men who are in power to rob you step by step, openly and in secret, of one domain of your rights after another, until one day nothing, nothing at all will be left but a mechanized state system presided over by criminals and drunks? Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your right – or rather, your *moral duty* – to eliminate this system?”
Leaflet of The White Rose Society
Germany 1942
Fitting Bookends
Opening Bookend
There couldn’t have been a better demonstration of the American people’s rejection of the illegitimacy and the colossal failure of the Geore W. Bush presidency and the damage it inflicted than the two significant but sparsely covered events that bookend his eight year reign. (more…)