
October 19, 2007

The Bush Plan to Cut the Deficit in Half

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 4:39 pm

Paul Krugman: Death of the GOP Machine

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 4:15 pm


Paul Krugman, The New York Times, October 19, 2007

Karl Rove has often described Hanna as his role model. And predictions that Mr. Rove and his disciples would succeed in creating a permanent Republican majority — I have a whole bookshelf of volumes with titles like “One Party Nation” and “Building Red America” — depended crucially on the assumption that the G.O.P. would have vastly more money than its opponents. It might even, some thought, match the 10-to-1 advantage Hanna gave William McKinley when he ran against William Jennings Bryan.

Oops. According to data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics, in the current election cycle every one of the top 10 industries making political donations is giving more money to Democrats. Even industries that have in the past been overwhelmingly Republican, like insurance and pharmaceuticals, are now splitting their donations more or less evenly. Oil and gas is the only major industry that the G.O.P. can still call its own.

The sudden burst of corporate affection for Democrats is good news for the party’s campaign committees, but not necessarily good news for progressives. Before I get to the down side, however, let’s talk about why business seems to be giving up on the G.O.P.

To some extent it’s a matter of cold political calculation. Polls, plus a wave of G.O.P. retirements, suggest that next year the Democrats will expand their majority in the House, which is already bigger than anything the Republicans ever had during their 12-year reign. Of the 34 Senate seats up for election, 22 are held by Republicans, and major Democratic gains seem all but inevitable.

Add to this the weakness of the Republican presidential field, and it’s not surprising that lobbyists are casting in their lot with the likely winners. But that’s not the whole story.

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The Tattlesnake — In 2008, the ‘R’ After Your Name is a Scarlet Letter Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — RS Janes @ 7:21 am

“I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed and deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed.”
– Frank Zappa, “I’m the Slime,” 1973.

Rejoice, ye progressive lumpencrats — you are witnessing the end of the Reagan/Neoconservative/Christian Right/Bush era. While those of us in the Blue State of Mind helped, it was largely a matter of these Oligarchic Ogres aiming at their own feet — or a friend’s face, in Cheney’s case.

Yep, the neocon Republicans are imploding, returning to the ball of mean, stupid and crazy from whence they came. Let’s look at the record:


October 18, 2007

Benazir Bhutto’s return to Pakistan shows what dedication to democracy means

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 7:00 pm

Today former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned to her native land after eight years of self imposed exile. The event was highly covered and media outlets around the world were there to capture her triumphant return which was exiting and peaceful until a suicide bomber interrupted by killing over a hundred supporters.

Since announcing her return to Pakistan Bhutto has received more threats against her life this time coming from the Taliban and Al Queda. Bhutto has said in interviews and a recent oped article that she is returning to Pakistan because she believes now is the time to bring true democracy to Pakistan. Bhutto feels that unless change is made now the fundamentalist and extremist wings of Islam in Pakistan will take over the country and plunge it into darkness.

In case our wimpy fat cat American politicians aren’t paying attention, Bhutto is willing to risk her life for democracy. Our politicians in the US aren’t willing to take a stand on anything for fear they might lose their cherished political position.

Bhutto did not need to return to Pakistan. She and her family lived a comfortable life in exile. However Bhutto is returning and risking everything she has for her country. Bhutto and others like Aung San Sun Ki in Burma are willing to risk their lives and all they have for their country and their people, what are we and our politicians willing to do? Volume 2058 – Porque’ no?

Filed under: BartCop Page — Chicago Jim @ 5:17 pm Volume 2058 – Porque’ no?. Volume 2058 - Porque' no? Top toon.

In Today’s Tequila Treehouse…

Arrow Media Buries Iraq Dissent HOT
Arrow Colbert for President HOT
Arrow Pre-Existing Conditions 
Arrow Coburn & VA Tech Bill HOT
Arrow Health Care for Kids
Arrow No Time for Warrants 
Arrow Candidates abusing God 
Arrow O.R.U. head steps down 
Arrow Stacy’s ‘Comebacks’ 

Am I Safe Yet?

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 11:41 am

Richard Roberts Takes ORU Leave of Absence

Filed under: News — Volt @ 11:38 am

April Marciszewski, The Tulsa World, October 18, 2007

Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts issued a written statement Wednesday saying he is taking a leave of absence following intense scrutiny spawned by financial, political and other allegations raised in a lawsuit.

Roberts will continue to live in his university-provided house and be paid his $228,000 salary, ORU board of regents Chairman George Pearsons said.

The board will decide when and if Roberts returns to the job, based on the outcome of its own and an independent auditor’s investigations into the allegations.

Roberts and Pearsons said Roberts asked the board for the leave of absence. Roberts will continue to work as chairman and CEO of Oral Roberts Ministries, stick with his television work, keep teaching and preaching, and continue to write letters and books.

The decision was in “the best interest of my family and the university,” Roberts said.

“I pray and believe that in God’s timing, and when the board feels that it is appropriate, I will be back at my post as president.”

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Global Warming Girlie Man

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 11:21 am

What Sort Of Person Donates to Ron Paul’s Campaign?

Filed under: News — Volt @ 11:18 am

Susan Davis, The Wall Street Journal, October 17, 2007

A circus clown, diet guru, exotic dancer, monetary architect and slacker in chief: These are some of the folks that help make Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign the choice of individualistic voters.

Paul’s third-quarter financial disclosure report is sprinkled with supporters whose self-descriptions of their occupations are unusual, to say the least. Wade Talkington of Panama City, Fla., who donated $1,000 to Paul, lists his occupation as “tax slave to the Federal Govt.” Erik Hovden of Olalla, Wash., is the “Head slacker in Chg” at Simpson LLC, and housewife Pamela Schuberg of Moorpark, Calif., a $2,300 donor, lists her employer as “our children.”

Donald Cowles lists himself as self-employed and his occupation as simply “Capitalist.” On the opposite end, David Cameron of San Jose, Calif., lists his employer as “Looking for Work” and his job as “Unemployed.” Still, Cameron has given a total of $1,900 to the campaign.

Griswold Draz of Wellfleet, Mass., a $500 donor, is a self-described “curmudgeon,” and Andrew Maul of Pittsburgh, Pa., is a “Citizen Fighting Tyranny.” Others are more coy. James Harper of Vancouver, Wash., a $600 donor, offered “guess? ;)” as his occupation.

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Ye Olde Scribe: In Memoriam… When the Current Chucklefest Began

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ye Olde Scribe @ 10:05 am

Ye Olde Scribe has recently become aware of the fact that Stephen Colbert, intentionally phony right wing wannabe tool ala’ O’Lielly and Sean Insanity is running for president. But of even more historical consequence, the Goldwater/Miller ticket is back again.

Have they no shame?


War With Iran Averted?

Filed under: Commentary — alex @ 6:46 am

Three huge news stories today, all of which must give the “bomb Iran” lobby one giant headache.

Turkish Parliament Approves Iraq Invasion

…507 of the 550 MPs voted for the motion.

Caspian Summit a Triumph for Iran

a prominent message about the need to democratize the international order by erecting
effective barriers to the American “leviathan”, as shown by specific agreements reached at the summit, including prohibiting other countries from using the littoral states for attacks on one another “under any circumstances”, and disallowing any ship not flying the national flag of a littoral state on Caspian waters.

Supporters Flock to Karachi for Bhutto’s Return

Her Pakistan People’s Party hopes to see one million supporters gather to greet her in Karachi… the snail’s pace of the convoy may leave Bhutto vulnerable to suicide attacks and roadside bombs… also a risk of mass killings of supporters and stampedes.

To summarize:


Heart Attack #4

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 6:45 am

M.E. Cohen

October 17, 2007

Praise the Lord!

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 9:26 pm Volume 2057 – I Da Ho

Filed under: BartCop Page — Chicago Jim @ 2:47 pm Volume 2057 – I Da Ho. Volume 2057 - I Da Ho - top toon

In Today’s Tequila Treehouse…

Arrow Why they Slime Gore 
Arrow Genocide Vote to Die HOT
Arrow Bitch’s slime attack HOT
Arrow Next Stop: $100 Oil? HOT
Arrow Bully’s press conference 
Arrow Oil at $88 a Barrel 
Arrow Jeb for President? 
Arrow Rove, Cleland face-off 
Arrow Hayden Panetierre 

Bush the bully holds a press conference

Filed under: News,Opinion — N @ 12:54 pm

President Bush (R-Dumb and Dumber) held a press conference this morning. Of course you probably have no idea that he did this because it was held around 11:00am EST when most of us are working, something Bush knows very little about.

Bush spent the bulk of the press conference complaining that Congress wasn’t getting enough done. He complained that Congress wouldn’t give him more money for his illegal war, that they won’t let him continue to spy on us without cause and that Congress insists on providing health insurance for children whose family can’t afford coverage. He did have some nice things to say about…..Blackwater. Nice. A private contractor that is accused of killing Iraqi civilians indiscriminately gets a pat on the back but fuck uninsured children

In my somewhat lengthy time watching presidents, I have never seen any president whine as much as Bush does. Bush looked like the school yard bully that no body is afraid of anymore. Most of you didn’t see this because Bush always holds his press conferences in the middle of the day when most Americans are working. Today it was held when most businesses across the country are in full working mode. Bush holds these news conferences during the day because he and his handlers know very few of us are able to watch him and therefore don’t get to see live and up close what a complete buffoon he is.

At a time when we are at war (even an illegal one) and a host of other important domestic and international issues are bubbling over you would think the president would want to talk to as many Americans as possible. Not Bush. Bush would be happy if none of us ever saw him speak. Hopefully in about a year that will be the case.

Signe Wilkinson – SCHIP Veto

Filed under: Toon — Peregrin @ 11:25 am

schip veto

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