
October 12, 2007

Warning – This Film May Destroy Your Beliefs

Filed under: Uncategorized — alex @ 9:09 am

Zeitgeist – the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling
characteristic of a particular period of time.
This is one of the best films I’ve seen in a long time. Zeitgeist shatters the dominant myths of the
Western word. This movie is completely blasphemous; it directly challenges our society’s institutions of power.
Even better, the information presented in the film just might be completely true.
Christians may find their faith ruined by the half-hour mark. Those who believe in government will be
even more disappointed by the time the film is done. View at your own risk.
Click here to Watch Zeitgeist


Filed under: Uncategorized — Twisted_Colour @ 9:09 am

Danny Katz has a story to tell

DAVE just reached into his pants, pulled it out, and started fiddling with it. DAVE STARTED FIDDLING WITH IT, RIGHT THERE, UNDER THE TABLE, IN THE MIDDLE OF A PLEASANT SUNDAY BARBECUE — doing it in front of his wife and friends and even children. I said “Jeeez Dave, put it away, not here!” but he just kept going, his eyes glazed over, a dumb grin on his lips — he said “Almost finished … almost done … OK” then he popped it back in his pants and went straight back to his lamb cutlets like nothing ever happened. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT:

Read on….

P.S. Just for the record – I don’t do it.

American Liberals Flooding Across The Border! – Grimgold

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 9:08 am

From the Manitoba Herald, Canada (a very underground paper):

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration.

The actions of President Bush are prompting the exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they’ll soon be required to hunt, pray, and agree with Bill O’Reilly.

Canadian border farmers say it’s not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal- rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.


The Forgotten Uninsured

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — idealistferret @ 9:07 am

While much has been made (and rightfully so) about Bush’s veto and its impact on children, there is one group that is chronically uninsured and among those in the most need of help to get treatment and medication: those who are mentally ill.

Recently, I checked out the availability of free mental health clinics in my area only to find that the only way to get mental help free or on a sliding scale was to develop a drug habit. Given the inflated costs of medication, a drug addiction may be cheaper than becoming a functional member of society. Most doctors charge at least $60 for a visit, and the medications for some of the more serious mental conditions can run at least $200 a month.

Our health system is a catch-22. In order to be able to hold down a job and remember to pay the bills, a person with mental illness must be treated. In order to be treated, the mentally ill person must have a job with which to pay for the treatment. It is little wonder that so many of the mentally ill wind up homeless.

If we as a society make a concerted effort to treat those who desperately need it, societal ills such as homelessness and drug abuse (which is sometimes called “self-medicating”) would decrease. Why throw away money to treat the effects rather than the cause?

October 11, 2007

Your Top 20 Albums, So Far

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 7:43 pm

What an awesome response. Its cool to see the different albums that have stuck with people over the years. Thanks to everyone that has shared their favorite tunes and to those that haven’t, come and share dammit. Below are everyone’s top 20 so far.

(more…) Volume 2054 – Noose fetish

Filed under: BartCop Page — Chicago Jim @ 1:32 pm Volume 2054 – Noose fetish. Volume 2054 - Noose fetish, top toon

In Today’s Tequila Treehouse…

Arrow Should Gore Run? HOT
Arrow Honest Quote Check
Arrow Wiretapping bastard 
Arrow Cackle, Hair and Sigh HOT
Arrow Hillary’s Achilles Heel HOT
Arrow Paper Highlights 48 
Arrow Rove Implicated 
Arrow Thompson Blows It
Arrow Charlize Theron sexy 

Ye Olde Scribe Presents: The Political Compass Becomes a Comical Stew

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ye Olde Scribe @ 1:29 pm

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam
“Taking the most Python-esque of the web and delivering it unto your digital doorstep.”

After Mr. & Mrs. Fenton retired, Mrs. Fenton insisted her husband accompany her on her trips to Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, Mr. Fenton was like most men–he found shopping boring & preferred to get in & get out. Equally unfortunately, Mrs. Fenton loved to browse.

One day Mrs. Fenton received the following letter from her local Wal-Mart:


October 10, 2007

Give Us Your Top 20 Favorite Albums Of All Time

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 6:29 pm

With all the political melodrama going on in the world I thought it was time to take a break. Music is what binds us all together, its what soothes us, its what makes us dance, and cry and jump around. So here is the challenge. Select your top 20 albums of all time. Remember, top 20 all time, not what you think is great now but what you think is great all the time. Add your top 20 to the comments section and I’ll post them all. Let’s share some cool music with each other. Below is my top 20 and below that is a good friend’s list who was kind enough to play along.

My Top 20 Favorite Albums (in no particular order)

The Smiths The Queen Is Dead

Van Morrison Astral Weeks

The Clash London Calling

The Clash Sandinista

Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Here’s The Sex Pistols

U2 War

Bob Dylan Blood On The Tracks

Bob Marley Live At The Rainbow Room


Oral Roberts University Regent Promises Independent Investigation Roberts Family Crimes

Filed under: News — Volt @ 4:35 pm

The Tulsa World, October 10, 2007

The chairman of Oral Roberts University’s board of regents told applauding students in a chapel service on Wednesday that any corrections that need to be made to the university will be made.

Chairman George Pearsons, co-pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church in Newark, Texas, said regents have approved an independent investigation into allegations made against the university last week in a lawsuit. The outside group that will perform the investigation has not been formed, Pearsons said.

“Honestly, every organization has problems,” he said after the chapel service on campus. “If there’s something that needs to be fixed, let’s fix it.”

Pearsons personally apologized to students for the tumult they have gone through since the lawsuit was filed Oct. 2 in Tulsa County District Court. The suit, filed by three former professors, included allegations that ORU President Richard Roberts and his family misspent university and Oral Roberts Ministries money.

Pearsons prayed for peace at ORU, and he asked students, “Will you forgive us?”

They answered loudly, without hesitation, “Yes!” 

Read More Here

Am I a Dove Trapped in a Hawk’s Body?

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 4:06 pm

Maureen Dowd: Bomb, Bomb Iran

Filed under: Opinion — Volt @ 4:01 pm

Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, October 10, 2007

Up until now, she has displayed remarkable imperturbability — gliding along with the help of good lighting, a hearty guffaw and a clever husband.

But on Sunday in New Hampton, Iowa, Hillary lost her cool at last. Sparring with a voter on Iran, she sounded defensive and paranoid.

A Democrat, Randall Rolph, asked Senator Clinton why he should back her when she did not learn her lesson after voting to authorize W. to use force in Iraq. He did not understand how she could have voted yea to urge W. to label Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, possibly setting the stage for more Cheney chicanery.

Hillary said that “labeling them a terrorist organization gives us the authority to impose sanctions on their leadership. …I consider that part of a very robust diplomatic effort.”

Fearful that her questioner was an enemy spy creeping into her perfect little world, she suggested that he had been put up to the question and did not have his information right.

“I take exception,” Mr. Rolph insisted. “This is my own research. … I’m offended that you would suggest that.”

Read More Here Volume 2053 – Smirking Thugs

Filed under: BartCop Page — Chicago Jim @ 3:01 pm Volume 2053 – Smirking Thugs. Volume 2053 - Smirking Thugs, top toon - Truth or Consequences Fiesta Monkeys Bush and Cheney

In Today’s Tequila Treehouse…

Arrow Dems Cave Again? HOT
Arrow Pro-Torture High Court
Arrow War Profiteering 
Arrow Religious-Right Suicide HOT
Arrow Why I Hate Hillary HOT
Arrow Dear Abby OKs Gays
Arrow Der Monkey’s War Dogs
Arrow Thompson Blows It
Arrow JLH says they talk

Mike “Rodham” Huckabee

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 11:55 am

I’m offering a clever solution for Mike Huckabee.

Back in 1992 Hillary had a name problem. The “Rodham” made her appear a little too independent and detached from her husband. Initially she resisted the name change. She was a strong and independent woman who wanted to shine a little on her own.
But, eventually, it had to go.

Huckabee has many things going for him. He is a former governor from the South 
and arguably has the most experience of any Republican running for President. However, according to Dan Bartlett, Huckie has a terrible last name.

Bartlett argued that the name Huckie sounds too much like “Hickie.”

War profiteering

Filed under: Commentary,News — drdjpete @ 6:45 am

One of the most insidious acts of treachery in wartime is war profiteering. George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, could tell you that. Not that he considered such acts insidious. No, he just found them profitable. He was an ardent financial supporter of the Nazis until his assets were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942. The historian in you will remember that Hitler declared war on the US in 1941 (but that’s a story for another time).

War profiteers are lower than pond scum. They are the crap that pond scum scrapes off the bottom of its shoes. The shit that the crap scrapes off the bottom of its shoes? You need look no further than our Vice President’s old company (which still pays him, btw), Halliburton. Why are they “lower than low”? Because they are making excessive, fraudulent profits directly from the screwing of our soldiers. How, you ask? Submitted for your perusal, a veritable laundry list of despicable acts, brought to you by Halliburton, no-bid contractor and bosom buddy of the Bush administration. But be advised, Halliburton is not alone. They are just a “shining” example of how our president and vice-president “support” our soldiers.

Top Twenty Iraq Oversight Outrages Uncovered by the DPC

Republicans in Congress Refuse to Demand Accountability in Iraq;
Billions of Dollars Wasted, Our Mission Undermined


Vulgar Pigboy: A Sign of Our Times?

Filed under: Commentary,News — idealistferret @ 6:44 am

In an email that I received at work today requesting donations for an area organization that helps sexually abused children, there were two statistics that I found very, very disturbing. The first said that one out of every four girls and one out of every six boys will be abused during their childhoods, and the other said that a chronic sex offender averages 200 victims in his (or her) lifetime.

I had noticed lately that there was at least one new story a night on the local news about a sex offender being caught, tried, convicted, sentenced, etc. I can’t help but wonder whether sexual abuse has always been so widespread. Some have pointed out that the city that is about a twenty minute drive from where I live is a potential haven for sex offenders since it is not home to any schools (thereby not as limiting as to where perverts can take up residence). The problem with this is that most of these sex offenders are being caught in the surrounding towns.

The thing that I just don’t understand is why someone would want to have sex with someone younger than sexual maturity. While I think that it is still morally wrong to sleep with a sixteen-year-old, it is easier to understand why an adult would be attracted to someone of that age than to small children (who are the usual victims in the news stories). Maybe it has something to do with our culture’s obsession with youth. Whatever it is, something has to give. Somehow, this has to stop.

The Tattlesnake — Nobody Makes a Monkey Out of Lou Dobbs Edition

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — RS Janes @ 6:41 am

Once in a while I like to catch CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight”; sometimes I even agree with him. While Lou used to have a guest panel of news analysts that occasionally included luminaries like Randi Rhodes, Bob Herbert or that Lionel guy from Air America Radio, lately he’s been picking his guests from the wrong end of the horse. The Usual Suspects for some time now have been Diana West of the Moonie-owned Washington Times; Michael Goodwin of the bottom-feeding rightie-rag the New York Daily News; and Democratic ‘strategist’ Robert Zimmerman. Below, I’ve transcribed from (faulty) memory what the group babbled about on Monday’s show.

Since I frequently don’t keep good notes and this is no exception, this is a rush transcript of what I thought they said:

DOBBS: “What the hell is it with these news people not wearing the flag lapel pin like me? It’s bad enough Barack Obama has kicked our soldiers squarely in the groin by not wearing his pin, but now Katie Couric refuses to call them ‘our troops’ in a news broadcast — says it’s about some foreign concept of objective journalism. What — does she think she works for al-Jazeera? And that damn Bill Moyers — don’t get me started! Diana, you work for a far-right fishwrapper owned by a man who thinks he’s the second coming of Jesus — this must rumple your panties as well.”


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